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Purulency – Transcendent Unveiling of Dimensions (More Than a Mere Demo Slimy Death Doom)

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Purulency – Transcendent Unveiling of Dimensions (More Than a Mere Demo Slimy Death Doom)

  What a tangled mess of gross this one is. Get your cold, pasty hands off of me! I feel sick! I can’t think! Considering it’s rainy outside as I write this one, we’ll go with those bodily sensations. I want to feel revulsed. Tennessee’s Purulency, in this mere demo, take a different thematic approach […]

Carcinoid – Encomium to Extinction (Smarty Pants Grave-Splitting Death Doom)

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Carcinoid – Encomium to Extinction (Smarty Pants Grave-Splitting Death Doom)

  Well this one surprised me now, didn’t it? Just the other day I was saying how Australia’s Werewolves pretty much satisfies everything you’d need in death metal from the country, but now I decided to add to the list Carcinoid, which opts for the death doom angle, with some cocky smartypants attitude. On the […]

Martyrdoom – As Torment Prevails (Pneumoniac Death Doom)

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Martyrdoom – As Torment Prevails (Pneumoniac Death Doom)

  For a name that sounds like a poor play on words at first, these guys can bring it. And talk about a comeback, phew! Having been absent from the scene for roughly six years, it’s almost as though they were reborn to reclaim the glory that was lost. I’ve heard some good death doom […]

Seraphic Entombment – Sickness Particles Gleam (Pre-Cambrian Fetid Death Doom)

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Seraphic Entombment – Sickness Particles Gleam (Pre-Cambrian Fetid Death Doom)

  Angry angry angry! You guys are sure angry! But, hey, you’d be this angry if you dripped off the walls of a sewer like Seraphic Entombment did. That ooze sticking in the mortar poured probably before time itself? That’s Seraphic Entombment. The misshapen pre-Cambrian artefacts of life that crawled from the seas and died […]

Eternal Rot – Moribound (Zombified Grooving Death Doom)

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Eternal Rot – Moribound (Zombified Grooving Death Doom)

  Here’s a band that remains the same yet sounds…different? Explain this to me, boys. Having reviewed Eternal Rot’s last one, Putridarium, and seeing the same style of art by the same artist (Mark Riddick), I expected, naturally, more of the same. Zombified, grooving death and doom, that’s what I mean. Dripping. Slipping. Sticking? And […]

Gateway – Galgendood (WOW Cavernous Death Doom)

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Gateway – Galgendood (WOW Cavernous Death Doom)

  Wow. I mean wow. Like wow. More like WOW. Shit. Transcending Obscurity promos are usually always a solid. But, as you know, I reserve reviews on this site for the best of the best. Curated refuse, as it were. Our efforts are, now and again, supremely rewarded. I remember listening to Gateway before, I […]

Sporae Autem Yuggoth – … However It Still Moves (Supernatural Death Doom)

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Sporae Autem Yuggoth – … However It Still Moves (Supernatural Death Doom)

  When I see dot dot dot, I expect big things. Illegible logos, forget it, that’s meaningless these days. What I want is that dot dot dot. It implies depth of feeling, lamentation, thoughts of mortality… Now, however, at the same time, I don’t want that to including frikken thoughts on Lovecraft. For the love […]

Cadaver Shrine – Benighted Desecration (Blackened Death Doom of the Funereal Quality)

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Cadaver Shrine – Benighted Desecration (Blackened Death Doom of the Funereal Quality)

  I sometimes wonder if Maurice de Jong, known primarily for his project Gnaw Their Tongues, is like superhuman or something. The number of notable bands he’s constructed, all of a dark and experimental style, would practically be a review in itself. Simply writing them all down would achieve the word count I prefer, but […]

Cultic – Of Fire and Sorcery (Dungeon Death Doom)

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Cultic – Of Fire and Sorcery (Dungeon Death Doom)

  I believe someone already said it in another review, or perhaps more than one individual, but regardless let me reiterate; this is probably going to be one of the top five releases of the year. Actually make that likely top one. Definitely one of the best of the decade. Get it? Cultic has sloughed […]

Charnel Altar – Abatement of the Sun (Vile, Life-Ruining Blackened Death Doom)

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Charnel Altar – Abatement of the Sun (Vile, Life-Ruining Blackened Death Doom)

  Well here’s an album that will turn you into a godforsaken, lowest form of scum. I mean this is just some of the most disgusting shit I’ve heard in awhile. Total garbage liquid. Total vomit feces. Total bile clot. That’s about what Charnel Altar’s latest rot pile is, something like that. Abatement of the […]

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