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Trog – Horrors Beyond (Devolved Horror Death Metal)

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Trog – Horrors Beyond (Devolved Horror Death Metal)

  I don’t know what the hell that monster mess is on the cover of the first full-length from New Jersey’s Trog but I like it, a lot. Previously, and fairly recently, known under the name of “Troglorot” (whatever the hell that meant), Trog is mainly interested in death metal devolution, both musically and thematically. […]

Altar of Gore – Litanies of the Unceasing Agonies (Savagely Putrid Death Metal)

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Altar of Gore – Litanies of the Unceasing Agonies (Savagely Putrid Death Metal)

  Is this another case of “yep, that kind of band” or “yep, that kind of album?” In some ways, but not all, I’m very pleased to state. Altar of Gore is a fairly established member of the New Jersey disgusting metal scene, which is filled with horrid rejects like Blasphematory. Said scene is rather […]

Kontusion – S/T (Raw and Mutilated Death Punk)

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Kontusion – S/T (Raw and Mutilated Death Punk)

  Whelp, I died. Another Sentient Ruin smacker. I pretty much guessed that, though, without even scoping the label. Xeroxed cover from a rotted-on-the-insides dumpster nuclear fire? Yep, musical summary right there folks, another example of my “see that cover, this sounds like that” intro. Even better, though, is how the overlapping of lines makes […]

The Gauntlet – Dark Steel and Fire (You’d Probably Call This Diabolic Blackened Rock)

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The Gauntlet – Dark Steel and Fire (You’d Probably Call This Diabolic Blackened Rock)

  We’ve got a real textbook mishmashing of diabolic generalities about this one amongst lesser critics, as expected. “Ominous.” “Haunting.” “Malevolent.” “Satanic party.” Wait, WTF. Satanic party? Do you people even proofread what the hell you’re writing? This is the usual garbage spewed out to describe something like this, which in essence is primitive blackened […]

Siege Column – Darkside Legions (Xerox Notebook Torture Art Filth Metal)

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Siege Column – Darkside Legions (Xerox Notebook Torture Art Filth Metal)

  Ah yes, so happy to see these guys emerging again from their rank cavern dungeon along the rotting ship banks of New Jersey filth waters where they lurk. And I love getting out mouthfuls of cruddy words to say it. Siege Column already perfected their socially awkward, emotionally abused metalhead scribbling murder art sound, […]


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  I rarely specify where exactly a band is from in the US unless there’s some well-known association with a genre and particular area, city, or whatever. Also I guess that depends on state size, right? Like most people will just say Rhode Island instead of specifying a city, outside of the pretentious wonderland of […]

Blood Feast – The Future State of Wicked (Uhhhhh…)

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Blood Feast – The Future State of Wicked (Uhhhhh…)

I was totally about this album for some reason when I first saw the cover. The more I look at it, I’m not sure why. The more I listen to it I’m even more disgusted at my intuition. It is clearly wrong. Okay how many times have I said this next particular thing now? I don’t […]