Cenotafio – Larvae Tedeum Teratos (Chile’s Funeral Shroud)


Man what’s up in the Chilean scene of black stuff? It’s so disgusting in sound the more the submissions come in the more I’m sure there’s a real movement that should probably officially unite. Anyway, Cenotafio (such a great band name) come from there, and like a number of their brethren combine the most putrid of black and death metal. This is one of the few approaches these days that can still sound believably repugnant and relies more on its sound than it does shocking visuals. Yeah, we got some creepy stuff going on on the cover of Larvae Tedeum Teratos, but it’s more expressionist, less realist. The more we think on suffering, the worse it is, there’s only so many buttholes stuffed with pikes that will bother us.


Many bands of this style tend to just oppress instead of impress is what I’m saying. They constantly demand your attention while sounding like it was recorded in a garbage truck making the rounds. Cenotafio, however, remain oppressive without becoming overbearing. A shroud covers their musical anguish, yet the glow of the riff is clear from within, with the occasional solo reminding you they can, indeed, play well. But to remind you of who they are, at the same time, the vocals are delivered mournfully and with painful regret. This one was technically released in 2019 by three different labels, but Blood Harvest decided to drop it on vinyl today so a review was more than warranted. Praise that Chilean filth.


Cenotafio Official Facebook

Cenotafio – Larvae Tedeum Teratos
Apocalyptic Productions, Blood Harvest Records, Mouth of Madness, Weed Hunter Records
Cover Art: MDaniel Hermosilla (Nox Fragor)
4.5 / 5