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Skelethal – Within Corrosive Continuums (Aristocratic Death Metal)

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Skelethal – Within Corrosive Continuums (Aristocratic Death Metal)

  I like skeletons. I also like skeleton words, and France’s Skelethal are rocking a skeleton word for their name. Now, to be honest, I’ve heard these guys before, I was just not a fan of the artwork on their last full-length (the last promo I remember receiving from them), but this time around, staring […]

Spiter – Enter the Gates of Fvcking Hell (Still True Vampyric Metalpunk)

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Spiter – Enter the Gates of Fvcking Hell (Still True Vampyric Metalpunk)

  Well, let’s see if the link to this one with the slightly altered title will make it through the censors lol. Because Spiter would most certainly not use a V in the place of a U. Since the lead is from Shitfucker, I mean, come on. However, though the laughs of that band are […]

Desolus – System Shock (Satanic Sci-Fi Death Thrash)

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Desolus – System Shock (Satanic Sci-Fi Death Thrash)

  Dang these guys don’t live too far from me. They should probably visit, spice up this area with some real music. Currently on tour with legends Spiter, Washington DC’s Desolus appeared rather quickly, and it appears that rather quickly they’re carving a niche for themselves in the darkest regions of post-apocalyptic, Satanic, sci-fi death […]

Caustic Phlegm – Putrefying Flesh (Putrid Intestinal Leak Death Metal)

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Caustic Phlegm – Putrefying Flesh (Putrid Intestinal Leak Death Metal)

  There’s not much one needs to do to describe a band called Caustic Phlegm. They’re going to be caustic, and there’s going to be much phlegm expelled. The Xerox rot cover further exemplifies the sputum. With as short as I can be on descriptions, this release itself is short, being a reissued demo on […]

Demoncy – Diabolica Blasphemiae (Traitorous Bones Blackened Death Metal)

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Demoncy – Diabolica Blasphemiae (Traitorous Bones Blackened Death Metal)

  Though part of the original guarde of black metal in the United States, I’ve never really considered Demoncy to be black metal, though I have always considered them to be awesome. Their earlier work certainly hearkens back to the early 1990s wave from Norway, but as time went on they developed their own, Californian, […]

Abigail / Nekrofilth – Fuck in Hell’s Evil Bitches (Incorrect Grammar Blackened Thrash / Hardcore Punk)

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Abigail / Nekrofilth – Fuck in Hell’s Evil Bitches (Incorrect Grammar Blackened Thrash / Hardcore Punk)

  I usually complain about splits, primarily because one band outweighs the other, but let’s forget about that today because this is not such a case. This is Abigail fools! The rulers of splits! The kings of splits! The god emperors of splits! The demiurges of splits! Say it how you want, but these guys […]

Genocidal Rites – Exsanguination of the Gods (Barbaric Blackened Death Metal)

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Genocidal Rites – Exsanguination of the Gods (Barbaric Blackened Death Metal)

  Any time you see art by Berkati Cakra, you know you’re in for a slammer. And this may be one of the most over-the-top images I’ve seen him craft. Here’s it fits the music so well it might be his best, and trust you me he’s done a lot of blasphemous necroworship. Just look […]

Nocturnal Departure – Clandestine Theurgy (Corrupted Black Metal)

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Nocturnal Departure – Clandestine Theurgy (Corrupted Black Metal)

  This one surprised me. In many ways it features forms that are quite standard to black metal as a whole, specifically second-wave, yet there are variations that, though they’d at first seem only slightly atypical, are instead strangely unique. Canada’s Nocturnal Departure relies heavily on the old school, but the new school they’re peddling […]

Eskhaton – Horracle (Nihilistic Death Metal)

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Eskhaton – Horracle (Nihilistic Death Metal)

  Holy…mahgucking…sheissefreide… I mean how else do I start this review? Never before has an EP assaulted me in such a way and satisfied so many dark desires in only five tracks. I usually see them thin-tracked promos and think ugggghhhh but I always give them a quick go. This was not a quick go. […]

Acid Witch – Rot Among Us (Thrilling Chilling Psychedelic Spooky Doom Metal)

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Acid Witch – Rot Among Us (Thrilling Chilling Psychedelic Spooky Doom Metal)

  This is what you call a masterpiece. And that’s great because honestly before this moment I always yawned when I saw the name Acid Witch. Lol sorry dudes. Dragging themselves behind the better acts in psychedelic doom, though I enjoyed their themes and often hilarious wordplay, they just didn’t offer much other than imagery […]

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