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L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres – Funesta Epifania (Metaphyiscally Epic Dark Dungeon Synth)

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L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres – Funesta Epifania (Metaphyiscally Epic Dark Dungeon Synth)

  Big band name equals big ideas. So says Catalonia’s L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres (damn, super long), who summon up the spirits of their ancestors in an effort to create epic, dark dungeon synth with their debut, Funesta Epifania. Clashing swords in the dark mountains with the sun behind them, can this […]

Her Menacing Pet – The Abyss Stares Back (Threateningly Melancholic Black Ambient)

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Her Menacing Pet – The Abyss Stares Back (Threateningly Melancholic Black Ambient)

  Well, I did it, I judged a band by their name, but to be fair sometimes that equals review gold, like the perennial classic, and arguably worst band name in history, Clouds Taste Satanic. Her Menacing Pet, by contrast, sounded at first read like an overwrought, melodramatic foray into the goth by a tween […]

Lustmord – Much Unseen is Also Here (Deific Dark Ambient Drone)

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Lustmord – Much Unseen is Also Here (Deific Dark Ambient Drone)

  What hasn’t been said about living myth Lustmord? Around since 1980 and with connections to practically every important industrial, experimental, etc. act since then and before, there’s little I can add to the mix that will make him feel more godly. In the hordes of mere mortals bowing to his aural vistas I’m barely […]

Maris Anguis – Infernal Reign (Black Ambient Soul Purge)

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Maris Anguis – Infernal Reign (Black Ambient Soul Purge)

  There’s good ambient, and there’s bad ambient, regardless of subgenre. There is no middle. The reason is simple. The artist is either skilled at making music, or merely holds keys on a keyboard. I’ve said this a bagillkillion times. Here we have something even beyond the usual skill, though, something of darkly mythic potential. […]

Forndom – Alster (Haunting Dark Ritual Folk)

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Forndom – Alster (Haunting Dark Ritual Folk)

  Yeah I get these ambient submissions sometimes and it always reminds me how difficult it is it to make a lasting impression or be effective in the genre. It’s far beyond that in difficulty if you’re remaking tracks within the genre that were released in a previously different form. This is exactly what Sweden’s […]

ÚATH – S/T (Atmospheric Haunted Folk Drone)

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ÚATH – S/T (Atmospheric Haunted Folk Drone)

  Haven’t gotten a release like this in awhile. Actually, let’s change that to “a good release.” Folk of the dark variety can be an easy sell, at times, but it’s deceptive. Too folk and it lends itself a childish, “spooky” atmosphere that sounds more like background music during a Ravenloft sesh with only the […]

Vorare – The Drainage Rituals (Dark Industrial Auricular Violation)

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Vorare – The Drainage Rituals (Dark Industrial Auricular Violation)

  Another late entry into the review pile be this one, which I only decided to cover because I so rarely get good experimental stuff. Hell, I can’t even remember the last time I received any at all! But, anyway, what makes good experimental good? It’s rather simple, but perhaps we should start with what […]

AlNamrood – Worship the Degenerate (Saudi Folk Black Metal Cool)

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AlNamrood – Worship the Degenerate (Saudi Folk Black Metal Cool)

  You’ve probably heard all the legends, so I won’t even bother starting there. Yes, this is that Saudi black metal band with folkish elements. And yes they’re probably the most recognized band from their country, which reputedly wants to kill them for even existing. I’ve sampled their work before, but honestly, though I enjoyed […]

Burning Psalms – A Layer of Repugnance Protects My Wounds. (Sadboi Suicide Ambient Noise)

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Burning Psalms – A Layer of Repugnance Protects My Wounds. (Sadboi Suicide Ambient Noise)

  I hate how I have to actively search this shit out. Why are noise, ambient, and so forth artists and labels so bad at promotion?! Anyway, I got lucky on this one on two counts. One, not released yet. Two, the label head is cool and responded in a reasonable far quicker than the […]

NERATERRÆ – The Substance of Perception (Almost Pretentious Dark Ambient)

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NERATERRÆ – The Substance of Perception (Almost Pretentious Dark Ambient)

  I feel bad for how late this review is, but it’s totally not my fault. One, I typically never check for promos on the Facebook page, and two, Facebook tossed this in spam. So old why review? The fact is it’s rare I receive submissions like this that I feel like reviewing, because dark […]

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