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Sijjeel – Affiliation of Horrid Containment (Abominable Brutal Death Metal)

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Sijjeel – Affiliation of Horrid Containment (Abominable Brutal Death Metal)

  I feel bad I never reviewed a single promo submission I’ve received over the years from North Carolina’s Comatose Music until this very moment. You all know I’m picky, but why am I so harsh towards brutal death metal? I’m harsh towards everything. I hear too much similarity in style, I’m the hell out […]

AlNamrood – Worship the Degenerate (Saudi Folk Black Metal Cool)

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AlNamrood – Worship the Degenerate (Saudi Folk Black Metal Cool)

  You’ve probably heard all the legends, so I won’t even bother starting there. Yes, this is that Saudi black metal band with folkish elements. And yes they’re probably the most recognized band from their country, which reputedly wants to kill them for even existing. I’ve sampled their work before, but honestly, though I enjoyed […]