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L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres – Funesta Epifania (Metaphyiscally Epic Dark Dungeon Synth)

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L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres – Funesta Epifania (Metaphyiscally Epic Dark Dungeon Synth)

  Big band name equals big ideas. So says Catalonia’s L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres (damn, super long), who summon up the spirits of their ancestors in an effort to create epic, dark dungeon synth with their debut, Funesta Epifania. Clashing swords in the dark mountains with the sun behind them, can this […]

Intolerance – Waking Nightmares of an Endless Void (Sorrowful Death Metal)

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Intolerance – Waking Nightmares of an Endless Void (Sorrowful Death Metal)

  There’s a lot to impress upon the soul here, and it’s times like these I can appreciate the different direction some bands take in overly saturated genres. Spain’s Intolerance may have sadly picked a name already claimed by like ten other metal bands (Jesus Christ), but perhaps they can end up being the Intolerance […]

Hässlig – Apex Predator (Raw Blackened Punk)

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Hässlig – Apex Predator (Raw Blackened Punk)

  Oh man, oh boy, oh Jesus. See that album title? Apex Predator. Are you feeling a little base? A little beta? Are you a little weakling in spirit? Are you psychologically impotent and in need of an unmedical boost? Well, listen here, Spain’s Hässlig will put bubbles in the blood, get your mouth frothing […]

Tombs of the Blind Dead (Spanish Zombie Templar Horror)

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Tombs of the Blind Dead (Spanish Zombie Templar Horror)

  Long may they ride! The jewel in the paste crown of Amando De Ossorio’s erratic career, Tombs of the Blind Dead is a minor masterpiece of Spanish Gothic Horror that has finally been lovingly restored by Synapse Films in time for its 4K UHD debut. Does this movie deserve the reputation it has? Let’s find […]

Of Darkness – Missa Tridentina (Orchestral Ambient Funeral Doom)

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Of Darkness – Missa Tridentina (Orchestral Ambient Funeral Doom)

  Pretty sure I know at least one of the guys in this band somehow, digital acquaintance level, but I can’t put my finger on it… Whatever, I’m sure if I took the time to look I’d determine this Spanish outfit has had its hands in a number of disgusting bands in some way, but […]

Undead – Putrefactio (Nu-Death Metal, Actually Not Just Kidding)

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Undead – Putrefactio (Nu-Death Metal, Actually Not Just Kidding)

  This is a good example of a band that takes itself way too seriously in group photos, but once you listen to it you say “damn it to hell if you don’t deserve to act that way.” Light corpse paint, scary faces, grim stares, leaning (gasp) towards nu-metal aesthetic, I mean come on! Should […]

Jade – The Pacification of Death (Good Old Atmospheric Death Metal)

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Jade – The Pacification of Death (Good Old Atmospheric Death Metal)

  Dang I forgot to review this before I went on a little old trip. Oh well, it still deserves it then or now so I’ll ignore my usual rule of rarely review after release date for good old Jade. What a bunch of good old guys, playing that atmospheric death metal that makes me […]

Orthodoxy – Ater Ignis (Macabre Occult Death Metal)

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Orthodoxy – Ater Ignis (Macabre Occult Death Metal)

  Now here’s a solid release. Orthodoxy are a relatively new act from the recent Spanish vanguard of the macabre, with members from bands you mostly probably haven’t heard of. Ah, that’s how we like it around here! Obscure, dark…ahhh. So relaxing! Ater Ignis is but their second full-length, but continues their development into a […]

Ataraxy – The Last Mirror (Funereal Death Metal, Yes That Is A Word)

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Ataraxy – The Last Mirror (Funereal Death Metal, Yes That Is A Word)

  Well if this isn’t an interesting name for a band with this kind of sound. I mean, I certainly appreciate that the type of calm this band is referencing is the dreadful kind that comes only with death. Wow, this is like true funereal death metal fools. Did you not know that is a […]

Estertor – Tales from the Ancient Grave (Blackened Punked Thrash)

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Estertor – Tales from the Ancient Grave (Blackened Punked Thrash)

  Hot daimn son. I’m late on reviewing this, but that’s just because of the stupid holiday and stupid dumb old eating stuff and no one has time for listening to cool trash music during that time because stupid Christmas stuff is blasting everywhere and uggghhh… So here we are, now it’s time. Please forgive […]

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