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Mourners Lament – A Grey Farewell (Loss-Ridden Symphonic Funeral Doom)

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Mourners Lament – A Grey Farewell (Loss-Ridden Symphonic Funeral Doom)

  I needed some deep-seated, depressive power this week. Not sure why that was, but be it as it may, here we have another Chilean masterwork to satiate that inner desire. What’s going on in Chile, I ask? I keep getting masterpieces of practically every metal genre flowing out of the country, and add to […]

L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres – Funesta Epifania (Metaphyiscally Epic Dark Dungeon Synth)

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L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres – Funesta Epifania (Metaphyiscally Epic Dark Dungeon Synth)

  Big band name equals big ideas. So says Catalonia’s L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres (damn, super long), who summon up the spirits of their ancestors in an effort to create epic, dark dungeon synth with their debut, Funesta Epifania. Clashing swords in the dark mountains with the sun behind them, can this […]

Defacement – Duality (Blackened Experimental Blackened Black Metal)

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Defacement – Duality (Blackened Experimental Blackened Black Metal)

  You just know with some things. You just know with some people. You just know with some books. You just know with some bands. This is a “I just know” example, Duality, the latest from Netherlands’ Defacement. Dutch metal can be goddamn weird at times, to the level that it becomes its own genre. […]

Acid Mass – Worship (Death Biker Blackened Thrash)

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Acid Mass – Worship (Death Biker Blackened Thrash)

  Practically everything I could want out of blackened and or death and or speed thrash is present herein. Creepy skeleton, bleedy knife, big eyeball, skeleton priest, pentagram necklace, cobra, some other snakey, forbidden tomb (with spiderwebs), chains in logo; yes this is just the kind of stuff I’d like to Worship. Attitude can really […]

Intolerance – Waking Nightmares of an Endless Void (Sorrowful Death Metal)

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Intolerance – Waking Nightmares of an Endless Void (Sorrowful Death Metal)

  There’s a lot to impress upon the soul here, and it’s times like these I can appreciate the different direction some bands take in overly saturated genres. Spain’s Intolerance may have sadly picked a name already claimed by like ten other metal bands (Jesus Christ), but perhaps they can end up being the Intolerance […]

Squid Pisser – Dreams of Puke (Niche Bullied Child Powerviolence)

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Squid Pisser – Dreams of Puke (Niche Bullied Child Powerviolence)

  I wasn’t going to review this initially, but not because I didn’t like it. I did. The issue was I got the damn thing like a week after release, and I normally skip anything past release date except in rare cases. Here’s another one. Plus, most of what I got for review for this […]

Mages Terror – Damnation’s Sight (Blackened Fantasy Thrash)

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Mages Terror – Damnation’s Sight (Blackened Fantasy Thrash)

  Sometimes I feel like bands just toss shit out when it comes to naming or just aren’t paying attention. Maybe it sounds cool and they don’t consider it further, I don’t know. But shouldn’t “Mages” in Mages Terror have an apostrophe? Does damnation really possess sight? I see an apostrophe on the label’s page […]

Skelethal – Within Corrosive Continuums (Aristocratic Death Metal)

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Skelethal – Within Corrosive Continuums (Aristocratic Death Metal)

  I like skeletons. I also like skeleton words, and France’s Skelethal are rocking a skeleton word for their name. Now, to be honest, I’ve heard these guys before, I was just not a fan of the artwork on their last full-length (the last promo I remember receiving from them), but this time around, staring […]

Sijjeel – Affiliation of Horrid Containment (Abominable Brutal Death Metal)

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Sijjeel – Affiliation of Horrid Containment (Abominable Brutal Death Metal)

  I feel bad I never reviewed a single promo submission I’ve received over the years from North Carolina’s Comatose Music until this very moment. You all know I’m picky, but why am I so harsh towards brutal death metal? I’m harsh towards everything. I hear too much similarity in style, I’m the hell out […]

Kryptonomicon – Daemonolatria (Renaissance Death Thrash)

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Kryptonomicon – Daemonolatria (Renaissance Death Thrash)

  I get these releases sometimes that are simply a standard type of solid and there’s not much else that needs added. But word count is king, so let’s keep going. Italy’s Kryptonomicon is a recent addition to the death thrash (some may say blackened death metal) horde of the world, but coupled with awesome […]

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