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L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres – Funesta Epifania (Metaphyiscally Epic Dark Dungeon Synth)

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L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres – Funesta Epifania (Metaphyiscally Epic Dark Dungeon Synth)

  Big band name equals big ideas. So says Catalonia’s L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres (damn, super long), who summon up the spirits of their ancestors in an effort to create epic, dark dungeon synth with their debut, Funesta Epifania. Clashing swords in the dark mountains with the sun behind them, can this […]

Miserable Abyss – Subaquatic Corporeal Rot (Blackened Experimental Dungeon Synth)

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Miserable Abyss – Subaquatic Corporeal Rot (Blackened Experimental Dungeon Synth)

  It takes a lot to scare me. In fact, at times, I’m pretty sure I can’t be scared anymore. Then I came across this extremely obscure release by Lisbon’s Miserable Abyss and it scared the shit out of me. I’m actually scared of this. What subhuman soil creature made this? What kind of depraved […]

Cultic – Of Fire and Sorcery (Dungeon Death Doom)

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Cultic – Of Fire and Sorcery (Dungeon Death Doom)

  I believe someone already said it in another review, or perhaps more than one individual, but regardless let me reiterate; this is probably going to be one of the top five releases of the year. Actually make that likely top one. Definitely one of the best of the decade. Get it? Cultic has sloughed […]