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Mourners Lament – A Grey Farewell (Loss-Ridden Symphonic Funeral Doom)

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Mourners Lament – A Grey Farewell (Loss-Ridden Symphonic Funeral Doom)

  I needed some deep-seated, depressive power this week. Not sure why that was, but be it as it may, here we have another Chilean masterwork to satiate that inner desire. What’s going on in Chile, I ask? I keep getting masterpieces of practically every metal genre flowing out of the country, and add to […]

71TONMAN – Of End Times (Absolute Funeral Sludge)

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71TONMAN – Of End Times (Absolute Funeral Sludge)

  In spite of having one of the absolute worst band names I’ve ever heard of (seriously, come on guys wtf), 71TONMAN absolutely destroy, even though they bring it slow. Of End Times is my first exposure to their work, and, combining the drag of funeral doom combined with the edgier push of sludge, they […]

Rise to the Sky – Every Day, A Funeral (Super Good and Still Super Slow Funeral Doom)

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Rise to the Sky – Every Day, A Funeral (Super Good and Still Super Slow Funeral Doom)

  Ah let us dampen the super bright weather we’ve been having with some funeral doom yay! One of the most difficult genres within the doom world, I’ve found very few bands skilled enough to give it soul I’d call super. The primary issue has always been that the subgenre is known for its extremely […]

Vacant Eyes – A Somber Preclusion of Being (Turgid Funeral Doom)

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Vacant Eyes – A Somber Preclusion of Being (Turgid Funeral Doom)

  Oh I fooled you with the subtitle of this review lol. Hey, since Vacant Eyes were being wordy, I figured I’d be wordy, even though what our subtitle today implies is their wordiness is a defect. That’s just like a joke man. In fact, it’s all in good praise. A Somber Preclusion of Being […]

Atramentus – Stygian (Reminder, Funeral Doom is Good)

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Atramentus – Stygian (Reminder, Funeral Doom is Good)

  This came at the perfect time because I feel like I needed a reminder that funeral doom can be good. Well, maybe the reminder is more for you actually, cause like I knew that shit already. And this reminder (for you) is being brought to us today by Atramentus, who come from some unspecified […]

Convocation – Ashes Coalesce (Weight of the World Funeral Doom)

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Convocation – Ashes Coalesce (Weight of the World Funeral Doom)

  So yeah yet again I’m convinced that this type of doom needs to hit with everything it’s got. You want a funeral, make it sound like one without the silliness. The slowness, the trudging steps, the abject suffering. It has to hit and hit well to succeed. Slow itself is not enough. It needs […]

Oblivion Gate – Wisdom of the Grave (Yay I’m Depressed Now Funeral Doom)

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Oblivion Gate – Wisdom of the Grave (Yay I’m Depressed Now Funeral Doom)

  How long’s it been since I covered doom of the funeral variety? A quick search reveals it was either two months or two years. Anyway, here’s some more, though Finland’s Oblivion Gate is yet another band I’ve covered this past month that defies a clear definition. “Doom” does not really suffice, nor does “funeral.” […]

Worm – Gloomlord (Soul-Sloughing Doom)

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Worm – Gloomlord (Soul-Sloughing Doom)

  You know you’re in for something different with this cover; it’s one of those that makes your eyes wander for hours until the details wrap around your head and constrict. Worm avoid all popularity. Their presence is thin at most and hidden in Internet fog, and more importantly their music’s a miasma that oozes […]

Woebegone Obscured – The Forestroamer (So EPIC It Goddamn Hurts)

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Woebegone Obscured – The Forestroamer (So EPIC It Goddamn Hurts)

  Just look at that goddamn sick cover. Man, I don’t know what in the world a forestroamer is, but I want to be one. I want to be one with the nature and the trees with moss dripping all from me. The artist, Artem Demura, aka Stargrave, was the perfect fit for Woebegone Obscured, […]

Malsanctum – S/T (Two Minutes to Funeral Doom’s Funeral)

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Malsanctum – S/T (Two Minutes to Funeral Doom’s Funeral)

  Well, here it is, likely the first time something from Iron Bonehead Productions actually depresses me in the other way. I prefer the “why does the human race exist?” type of depression, but this is more of a “why was this album released?” sadness. Now, please pause, for I have already started this on an […]

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