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Fractal Generator – Convergence (Experimental Blackened Math Metal)

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Fractal Generator – Convergence (Experimental Blackened Math Metal)

  Ah, this reminds me of how much I loved…calculus. You heard me right. I loved that complex combination of symbols that looked like fucking magic wards to the uninitiated. The fools! If only they understood the true depth of calc! So with a band referencing math that even PhDs have trouble explaining, and titling […]

Seraphic Entombment – Sickness Particles Gleam (Pre-Cambrian Fetid Death Doom)

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Seraphic Entombment – Sickness Particles Gleam (Pre-Cambrian Fetid Death Doom)

  Angry angry angry! You guys are sure angry! But, hey, you’d be this angry if you dripped off the walls of a sewer like Seraphic Entombment did. That ooze sticking in the mortar poured probably before time itself? That’s Seraphic Entombment. The misshapen pre-Cambrian artefacts of life that crawled from the seas and died […]

Nothingness – Supraliminal (Melty Death Metal)

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Nothingness – Supraliminal (Melty Death Metal)

  I consider this part of the mystery of the label Everlasting Spew Records. Like, why don’t I seem to hear more about shit like this? Dude’s got the name down, and the roster he carries, daing. Case in point, the latest full-length form Minnesota puke lords Nothingness, Supraliminal, which, as far as a cursory […]

Tormentor Tyrant – S/T (Primordial Hate Metal)

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Tormentor Tyrant – S/T (Primordial Hate Metal)

  Over the years I’ve shortened my review length as more and more people forget how to read. Who reads anymore? But today I’ll be even shorten than usual, because there is little to say. Finland’s Tormentor Tyrant, fresh with only two singles before this EP, have supplied my current need of bestial power sufficiently. […]

Convocation – Ashes Coalesce (Weight of the World Funeral Doom)

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Convocation – Ashes Coalesce (Weight of the World Funeral Doom)

  So yeah yet again I’m convinced that this type of doom needs to hit with everything it’s got. You want a funeral, make it sound like one without the silliness. The slowness, the trudging steps, the abject suffering. It has to hit and hit well to succeed. Slow itself is not enough. It needs […]

Lord Gore – Scalpels for Blind Surgeons (What I Thought Carcass Would Sound Like Band)

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Lord Gore – Scalpels for Blind Surgeons (What I Thought Carcass Would Sound Like Band)

  As I said on Facebook a few times, Lord Gore clearly nails it for best metal band logo ever, any genre, of all time. I mean look at that, right? Every gender gets defiled equally! Talk about modern SJW pleasure centers. But then again I guess with songs like “Million Maggot March” it’s pretty […]

Construct of Lethe – Exiler (Pretentious Thesaurus Metal)

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Construct of Lethe – Exiler (Pretentious Thesaurus Metal)

  So here’s the thing, Construct of Lethe know exactly what they are doing musically. And by that, I mean they have such a refined ear for composition, recording, and compelling melody. They don’t just stop at the melodic death metal drudge and drear and are clearly interested in pushing their sound into a musically […]

Worship: Ivory Crux – Sexual Bones and Oils

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Worship: Ivory Crux – Sexual Bones and Oils

  It’s been awhile since we’ve engaged in worship, which means articles reserved for the best of bands, musicians, and artists who deserve to be drawn from the pits. That’s my clever thing there, yeah. I first decided to do these because I noticed visual masters of the underground are often ignored, even though their […]

Assumption – Absconditus (Don’t Try Too Hard Metal)

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Assumption – Absconditus (Don’t Try Too Hard Metal)

What a curious name for a metal band. I can tell you I had several assumptions about this before going into it, like it was probably black metal. Bad assumption, but it was definitely dark and depressing, which is assumed further by the doom/death tag these guys from Italy carry. Uh oh, it’s an Italian metal band […]

Hellish God – The Evil Emanations (You’ve Heard This Metal)

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Hellish God – The Evil Emanations (You’ve Heard This Metal)

I really wanted to slam to this one. For two reasons. One, the art kills, two I have yet to give such praise to a death metal band from Italy. Let’s start with the art. Though not atypical, or even moderately unique, the cover of The Evil Emanations, by Adi Christianize of Dechristianize Art, is so […]