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Unearthly Rites – Ecdysis (Finnish DIY Crust Death)

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Unearthly Rites – Ecdysis (Finnish DIY Crust Death)

  Well, hmm. This is the second release of this type I’ve reviewed this particular week. One where there isn’t much that needs to be said about it. Everything can be read at face value. In fact, Finland’s Unearthly Rites follow some pretty standard paths in their construction of DIY crust death, yet it’s so […]

Throat – Blood Exaltation (Possessed Black Metal)

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Throat – Blood Exaltation (Possessed Black Metal)

  Can musicians, or rather a band itself, be…possessed? I feel like possession has become too trite in media, so maybe that’s not a good idea, but then again has it been done yet for bands in particular? I’ll assume not and say that Poland/Finland’s Throat is just such a band. At some point in […]

Throat – We Must Leave You (Geriatric Noise Goth)

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Throat – We Must Leave You (Geriatric Noise Goth)

  Well this is perfect. Tis that season, right? Trees look dead. Leaves collapse as floating corpses. Grass is brown and dormant. Cold is rising and getting under the skin. Ahhh, just love it. So we need at least one Goth-styled release to make it feel complete. Unfortunately, the majority has straight up sucked until […]

Hexvessel – Polar Veil (Dark Forest Occult Folk Rock)

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Hexvessel – Polar Veil (Dark Forest Occult Folk Rock)

  I don’t think I’ve seen many bands with as diverse a discography as Hexvessel. Billed as a variety of things such as occult folk and dark forest rock, this quartet from Finland have been crafting amazing sounds for years now, including godlike artists in their work such as Chelsea Wolfe, but even without these […]

Sonic Poison – Eruption (Apocalyptic Combat Grind)

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Sonic Poison – Eruption (Apocalyptic Combat Grind)

  Lol I saw this called grindcore somewhere? Please, listen, restrict the usage of that tag to bands that are bad please. I mean come on this is clearly combat grind. I feel bad for those out there dealing such nonsense, but even worse for myself because I have to waste time pulling out a […]

Sickness – Daemones Sub Terra (Putrid Blackened Death Metal)

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Sickness – Daemones Sub Terra (Putrid Blackened Death Metal)

  I’m moderately, or actually more than moderately, surprised that I couldn’t easily find a review for this one on the Internets. I mean come on WTF this is putrid Finnish blackened death metal! How is it possible at least one other person didn’t “get it” and crap out some words of love for the […]

IANAI – Sunir (Like Wow Finnish Experimental Folk)

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IANAI – Sunir (Like Wow Finnish Experimental Folk)

  Like wow, what’s with all these surprises this week that I almost missed WTF? This is one of those albums were perhaps but a few seconds in you’re absolutely passing out from its level of incredible and by the end you can’t believe it actually exists. Like how does someone write music this fooking […]

Vorare – The Drainage Rituals (Dark Industrial Auricular Violation)

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Vorare – The Drainage Rituals (Dark Industrial Auricular Violation)

  Another late entry into the review pile be this one, which I only decided to cover because I so rarely get good experimental stuff. Hell, I can’t even remember the last time I received any at all! But, anyway, what makes good experimental good? It’s rather simple, but perhaps we should start with what […]

Tormentor Tyrant – S/T (Primordial Hate Metal)

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Tormentor Tyrant – S/T (Primordial Hate Metal)

  Over the years I’ve shortened my review length as more and more people forget how to read. Who reads anymore? But today I’ll be even shorten than usual, because there is little to say. Finland’s Tormentor Tyrant, fresh with only two singles before this EP, have supplied my current need of bestial power sufficiently. […]

Concrete Winds – Nerve Butcherer (Death Metal by Half-Beings)

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Concrete Winds – Nerve Butcherer (Death Metal by Half-Beings)

  Goddamn I love this messy ass cover. You can’t tell what the hell you’re looking at from any angle. The band logo is like a collection of broken hypodermics, the album title will give you a seizure, and they’re both laid on top of a bizarre gathering of nonsensical, yet somehow frightening shapes and […]

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