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Squid Pisser – Dreams of Puke (Niche Bullied Child Powerviolence)

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Squid Pisser – Dreams of Puke (Niche Bullied Child Powerviolence)

  I wasn’t going to review this initially, but not because I didn’t like it. I did. The issue was I got the damn thing like a week after release, and I normally skip anything past release date except in rare cases. Here’s another one. Plus, most of what I got for review for this […]

Ghoul – Noxious Concotions (Grossover)

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Ghoul – Noxious Concotions (Grossover)

  I’m fairly surprised I never reviewed Ghoul before. I mean this shit is right up the alley I’ve built around myself and my critics on this site. We’ve branded ourselves so deep the scar went into bone. And with Ghoul we’ve got darkness, irony, vileness, sick art, gross stage presence (with bloody, burlap hoods, […]

Dipygus – S/T (Devonian Beast Sludge Death)

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Dipygus – S/T (Devonian Beast Sludge Death)

  This is one of the few bands that came in the promos in the past year that really nails their themes and aesthetic to a degree that deserves attention alone. I’m not sure entirely how to define what you’re about to get out of this, either, but it’s a mixture of center of the […]

Demoncy – Diabolica Blasphemiae (Traitorous Bones Blackened Death Metal)

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Demoncy – Diabolica Blasphemiae (Traitorous Bones Blackened Death Metal)

  Though part of the original guarde of black metal in the United States, I’ve never really considered Demoncy to be black metal, though I have always considered them to be awesome. Their earlier work certainly hearkens back to the early 1990s wave from Norway, but as time went on they developed their own, Californian, […]

Casket Cassette – Love Letters to Ghosts (Nighttime High School Basketball Court Cold Wave)

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Casket Cassette – Love Letters to Ghosts (Nighttime High School Basketball Court Cold Wave)

  I tell you what here’s another shat week for promos. I had only a single submission I wanted to review (already done before this one) and in desperation I thought “hey, been awhile since I heard some good Goth licks.” Search a tag and sometimes you come upon gold, this time under the moniker […]

Vastum – Inward to Gethsemane (Shameful Death Metal Eroticism)

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Vastum – Inward to Gethsemane (Shameful Death Metal Eroticism)

  For some bizarre reason it took me some time to get into this one, but don’t let that fool you, it’s an absolute ripper. I’ll blame the weather or something, because clearly my mind just wasn’t ready for it. Again, strange, because I find a certain site rating this much lower than would I, […]

Abhorrency – Climax of Disgusting Impurities (Bestial Violation Blackened Death Metal)

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Abhorrency – Climax of Disgusting Impurities (Bestial Violation Blackened Death Metal)

  Well get ready to consume this one at face fooking value. A multitude of upside-down crosses hide within a festering logo above an image that summarizes the album title below. What’s this one like? Well it’s a Climax of Disgusting Impurities! What else? Honestly though, the face on that child-like goat being is freaking […]

Ulthar – Anthronomicon (Abomination Metal)

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Ulthar – Anthronomicon (Abomination Metal)

  Ulthar can do no wrong at this point, pretty sure about that. When we last encountered them I was thrilled by the music, but disgusted at the thematics, which were, ugh, Lovecraft BS; a theme far too many metal bands have milked dry until only blood remains, and you don’t even want any of […]

Vaamatar – Medievalgeist (Plaintive Cries US Black Metal)

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Vaamatar – Medievalgeist (Plaintive Cries US Black Metal)

  Well that’s a black metal logo, right? But that art…something…more to it…something sinister and plaintively classique perhaps? Whatever that vague feeling is, I knew it was going to totally crush. But wait, this is USBM, which sometimes like to think it crushes but makes us blushes from embarrassment? Not in this case. LA’s Vaamatar, […]

Succumb – XXI (Philosophy Metal)

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Succumb – XXI (Philosophy Metal)

  Oooohhh, tasty, tasty, tasty be this. First thing, released partially by The Flenser. Second thing, wow. To be wowed anymore I need to be challenged and surprised. Well, hard to challenge me so just stick with surprise. Make it a jump scare of riffs. I want riffs to bend mental states, I want the […]

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