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RUIN – Drown in Blood (Better Through Headphones)

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RUIN – Drown in Blood (Better Through Headphones)

Okay, listen, bands, hey, if you’re picking a name, please, please make sure it hasn’t been goddamn picked already! I just don’t get that. Then you have to add (US), or whatever country, followed by state or territory, maybe even town if you’re dumb enough to stick with the name when there’s already a band going by […]

SPLITting Headache – Some Stuff

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SPLITting Headache – Some Stuff

You know for all the damn splits that were released in the past year, I sure got only a few of them in the promo emails and regular mail. Why? Why can I not enjoy more splitting of the production costs and music? Why can I not compare one band to another on the same […]

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