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Squid Pisser – Dreams of Puke (Niche Bullied Child Powerviolence)

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Squid Pisser – Dreams of Puke (Niche Bullied Child Powerviolence)

  I wasn’t going to review this initially, but not because I didn’t like it. I did. The issue was I got the damn thing like a week after release, and I normally skip anything past release date except in rare cases. Here’s another one. Plus, most of what I got for review for this […]

Fractal Generator – Convergence (Experimental Blackened Math Metal)

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Fractal Generator – Convergence (Experimental Blackened Math Metal)

  Ah, this reminds me of how much I loved…calculus. You heard me right. I loved that complex combination of symbols that looked like fucking magic wards to the uninitiated. The fools! If only they understood the true depth of calc! So with a band referencing math that even PhDs have trouble explaining, and titling […]