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Fractal Generator – Convergence (Experimental Blackened Math Metal)

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Fractal Generator – Convergence (Experimental Blackened Math Metal)

  Ah, this reminds me of how much I loved…calculus. You heard me right. I loved that complex combination of symbols that looked like fucking magic wards to the uninitiated. The fools! If only they understood the true depth of calc! So with a band referencing math that even PhDs have trouble explaining, and titling […]

Pukewraith – Banquet of Scum (Grimy Death Metal)

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Pukewraith – Banquet of Scum (Grimy Death Metal)

  I frequently misuse the word ‘puke’ and refer to practically everything we review here under that blanket term, as well as probably using ‘filth’ too much, but if it upsets one ex-con Xbox player, eh, who cares? So the great thing about Pukewraith is the word is already covered and I don’t have to […]

Perilaxe Occlusion – Raytraces of Death (Rasterized Death Metal or Something)

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Perilaxe Occlusion – Raytraces of Death (Rasterized Death Metal or Something)

  Don’t be confused by my silly wording above (actually partially lifted directly from the band’s own description). This is not death metal made by computers but rather about computers. Does that confuse you? It should. It makes something like Raytraces of Death sound like a failed experiment. Is this an attempt to push boundaries […]

Occult Burial – Burning Eerie Lore (Sacrificing Saplings Occult Thrash)

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Occult Burial – Burning Eerie Lore (Sacrificing Saplings Occult Thrash)

  I knew this would be good when I saw the band photo with three dudes sacrificing a with torches, or it may have been a sapling, and one is looking all spooky while in the process of growing balder and totally doesn’t give a shit if you notice. Thrash has proven one of the […]

Lutharö – Wings of Agony (Melodic Toddler Death Metal)

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Lutharö – Wings of Agony (Melodic Toddler Death Metal)

  Yaaaaaaaaahhhhh (with a bit of fluctuating). That’s practically how all these albums start out, those scream from the heart vocals, I just can’t mimic the “epic” guitars and such properly with words so add those too. But damn does it feels moderately good this time for some reason WTF. I’m not sure I can […]

Raider – Guardian of Fire (Forged in a Meek Spark Thrash)

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Raider – Guardian of Fire (Forged in a Meek Spark Thrash)

  I like sword guy. I thought sword guy would bring me some thrash fire. But he brings more of a spark that could, some day, ignite into bigger flames of thrash. That requires hands willing to work for it, however, and the work needs to be personal. It is necessary to grind the thrash […]

Drofnosura – Voidfever (Sludge Chunk of Depression)

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Drofnosura – Voidfever (Sludge Chunk of Depression)

  Now and again I come across something like Voidfever and I’m like “where did everyone go?” As the skeletal-faced, hooded thing on the cover by Dusty Ray devours the eyes and pulls inward you become introspective, sullen, and separated. Is it just me listening to this? Why though? It troubles me when a great […]