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Pukewraith – Banquet of Scum (Grimy Death Metal)

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Pukewraith – Banquet of Scum (Grimy Death Metal)

  I frequently misuse the word ‘puke’ and refer to practically everything we review here under that blanket term, as well as probably using ‘filth’ too much, but if it upsets one ex-con Xbox player, eh, who cares? So the great thing about Pukewraith is the word is already covered and I don’t have to […]

Drofnosura – Voidfever (Sludge Chunk of Depression)

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Drofnosura – Voidfever (Sludge Chunk of Depression)

  Now and again I come across something like Voidfever and I’m like “where did everyone go?” As the skeletal-faced, hooded thing on the cover by Dusty Ray devours the eyes and pulls inward you become introspective, sullen, and separated. Is it just me listening to this? Why though? It troubles me when a great […]