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Mages Terror – Damnation’s Sight (Blackened Fantasy Thrash)

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Mages Terror – Damnation’s Sight (Blackened Fantasy Thrash)

  Sometimes I feel like bands just toss shit out when it comes to naming or just aren’t paying attention. Maybe it sounds cool and they don’t consider it further, I don’t know. But shouldn’t “Mages” in Mages Terror have an apostrophe? Does damnation really possess sight? I see an apostrophe on the label’s page […]

Qrixkuor – Zoetrope (Occult Death Metal for Chaotic Connoisseurs)

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Qrixkuor – Zoetrope (Occult Death Metal for Chaotic Connoisseurs)

  I see one long track as an album or EP and I’m like yeah this shit’s going to have something to say. And yes, Qrixkuor is such a band and this is such an album, or rather EP. More of an experience perhaps, or just a long ass song even, Zoetrope is a spinning […]

Coscradh – Mesradh Machae (The Heads of the Men Who Have Been Slaughtered)

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Coscradh – Mesradh Machae (The Heads of the Men Who Have Been Slaughtered)

  For as loonnnggg as this album title is it certainly is short! But, man, Ireland’s Coscradh prove they can get it done in under fifteen minutes. Fook extra tracks, Mesradh Machae is good to go in only two and it fares far better than submissions I received this past month that last over thirty […]

Transilvania – Of Sleep and Death (That Vampiric Black Metal Stuff)

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Transilvania – Of Sleep and Death (That Vampiric Black Metal Stuff)

  Now isn’t this some shit? Just this past week I was talking about how the holiday season always brings out the “Transilvania Hunger” covers and here we have a band naming themselves Transilvania who’re also obsessing over that vampire thing. I mean it couldn’t be more perfect and that’s in the musical sense too, […]

Omegavortex – Black Abomination Spawn (Exactly Like Their Moniker Blackened Death Metal)

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Omegavortex – Black Abomination Spawn (Exactly Like Their Moniker Blackened Death Metal)

  Lol these guys. I see any reference to voids, chasms, and generally anything that suggests a gaping pit of despair and disorder, I know it’s going to be killer. This goes for any genre but blackened death metal? Yeah, works there for sure. It’s almost a requirement. Germany’s Omegavortex are the true curtain to […]

Occult Burial – Burning Eerie Lore (Sacrificing Saplings Occult Thrash)

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Occult Burial – Burning Eerie Lore (Sacrificing Saplings Occult Thrash)

  I knew this would be good when I saw the band photo with three dudes sacrificing a with torches, or it may have been a sapling, and one is looking all spooky while in the process of growing balder and totally doesn’t give a shit if you notice. Thrash has proven one of the […]

apologoethia – Pillars (Spanish Black/Death Metal Please Be My Friend)

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apologoethia – Pillars (Spanish Black/Death Metal Please Be My Friend)

This is not the first time I’ve encountered amazing things from out of Spain. In fact I think this is like the shmillionth time this year. I want to just be good friends with any band from the country playing black or death metal. I’ve made several successful attempts to befriend such bands because, recently, […]

Reverie – Bliss

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Reverie – Bliss

Sometimes you have to wonder who selects the genre tags on Encyclopaedia Metallum.  Is it the bands themselves or some random fools?  Seriously, we’d like to know, because we’ve never had to do such a thing ourselves, so not knowing we’d like an explanation.  The primary reason is it often seems so very wrong upon […]

Sepulchral Temple – S/T EP

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Sepulchral Temple – S/T EP

Well these guys have just come out of nowhere, but hopefully they don’t return there.  Sepulchral Temple are a mystery.  Their website is currently inactive (not to mention built with, blah, Wix), and in spite of having only a small number of Facebook fans they managed to snag both Invictus Productions and Iron Bonehead Productions […]

Zom – Flesh Assimilation

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Zom – Flesh Assimilation

Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!  Ever just want to do that?  Ever just want to scream the scream of sacrilegious pleasure when you come across something so absolutely filthy, so disgustingly, awfully corrupt it defines your entire existence as a thing of the soil?  You worm, do you not know of Zom?  Zom come from Ireland and their sound […]