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Mourners Lament – A Grey Farewell (Loss-Ridden Symphonic Funeral Doom)

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Mourners Lament – A Grey Farewell (Loss-Ridden Symphonic Funeral Doom)

  I needed some deep-seated, depressive power this week. Not sure why that was, but be it as it may, here we have another Chilean masterwork to satiate that inner desire. What’s going on in Chile, I ask? I keep getting masterpieces of practically every metal genre flowing out of the country, and add to […]

Carathis – The Haunting of Sablewood (Spooky Tube Sock Black Metal)

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Carathis – The Haunting of Sablewood (Spooky Tube Sock Black Metal)

  Holy shit what in the hell was this guy doing before this point? I mean, hey, I appreciate some of the genre-mashing Carathis was engaging in in his dark past, but this, I mean this is truly something else. Hell, last time I reviewed a band from Austria was like three years ago and […]

Of Darkness – Missa Tridentina (Orchestral Ambient Funeral Doom)

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Of Darkness – Missa Tridentina (Orchestral Ambient Funeral Doom)

  Pretty sure I know at least one of the guys in this band somehow, digital acquaintance level, but I can’t put my finger on it… Whatever, I’m sure if I took the time to look I’d determine this Spanish outfit has had its hands in a number of disgusting bands in some way, but […]

Sporae Autem Yuggoth – … However It Still Moves (Supernatural Death Doom)

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Sporae Autem Yuggoth – … However It Still Moves (Supernatural Death Doom)

  When I see dot dot dot, I expect big things. Illegible logos, forget it, that’s meaningless these days. What I want is that dot dot dot. It implies depth of feeling, lamentation, thoughts of mortality… Now, however, at the same time, I don’t want that to including frikken thoughts on Lovecraft. For the love […]