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L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres – Funesta Epifania (Metaphyiscally Epic Dark Dungeon Synth)

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L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres – Funesta Epifania (Metaphyiscally Epic Dark Dungeon Synth)

  Big band name equals big ideas. So says Catalonia’s L’Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres (damn, super long), who summon up the spirits of their ancestors in an effort to create epic, dark dungeon synth with their debut, Funesta Epifania. Clashing swords in the dark mountains with the sun behind them, can this […]

Of Darkness – Missa Tridentina (Orchestral Ambient Funeral Doom)

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Of Darkness – Missa Tridentina (Orchestral Ambient Funeral Doom)

  Pretty sure I know at least one of the guys in this band somehow, digital acquaintance level, but I can’t put my finger on it… Whatever, I’m sure if I took the time to look I’d determine this Spanish outfit has had its hands in a number of disgusting bands in some way, but […]

Jade – The Pacification of Death (Good Old Atmospheric Death Metal)

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Jade – The Pacification of Death (Good Old Atmospheric Death Metal)

  Dang I forgot to review this before I went on a little old trip. Oh well, it still deserves it then or now so I’ll ignore my usual rule of rarely review after release date for good old Jade. What a bunch of good old guys, playing that atmospheric death metal that makes me […]

Estertor – Tales from the Ancient Grave (Blackened Punked Thrash)

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Estertor – Tales from the Ancient Grave (Blackened Punked Thrash)

  Hot daimn son. I’m late on reviewing this, but that’s just because of the stupid holiday and stupid dumb old eating stuff and no one has time for listening to cool trash music during that time because stupid Christmas stuff is blasting everywhere and uggghhh… So here we are, now it’s time. Please forgive […]

Körgull the Exterminator – Sharpen Your Spikes (Listen to it LOUD Blackened Thrash)

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Körgull the Exterminator – Sharpen Your Spikes (Listen to it LOUD Blackened Thrash)

  Wow good stuff right here. I mean here’s my old joke; review ends now. But I need to say a little more, I suppose, for this band who dared name itself after a Voivod album like no one would notice. Phew that’s some risky stuff right there! Because if you can’t bring the kind […]