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Defacement – Duality (Blackened Experimental Blackened Black Metal)

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Defacement – Duality (Blackened Experimental Blackened Black Metal)

  You just know with some things. You just know with some people. You just know with some books. You just know with some bands. This is a “I just know” example, Duality, the latest from Netherlands’ Defacement. Dutch metal can be goddamn weird at times, to the level that it becomes its own genre. […]

Sijjeel – Affiliation of Horrid Containment (Abominable Brutal Death Metal)

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Sijjeel – Affiliation of Horrid Containment (Abominable Brutal Death Metal)

  I feel bad I never reviewed a single promo submission I’ve received over the years from North Carolina’s Comatose Music until this very moment. You all know I’m picky, but why am I so harsh towards brutal death metal? I’m harsh towards everything. I hear too much similarity in style, I’m the hell out […]

Dodenbezweerder – Als De Hemel Zich Vult Met Apocalyptisch Kopergeschal (Black Ambient Metal)

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Dodenbezweerder – Als De Hemel Zich Vult Met Apocalyptisch Kopergeschal (Black Ambient Metal)

  I was pretty bummed I didn’t receive the new Dodenbezweerder in the promos (it’s technically past release, which you likely know I tend to avoid), but then again Maurice doesn’t need me to know he’s an absolute netherworld deity of dark music. If you’re not familiar with his work, which is unlikely, it’s the […]

Stuporous – Asylum’s Lament (Grandiloquent Gothic Doom)

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Stuporous – Asylum’s Lament (Grandiloquent Gothic Doom)

  Ready to get stupefied? Ready to feel stupid? Well this Dutch blackened doom outfit, Stuporous, will leave you feeling just such a way. Uncertain, confused, not smart enough, overwhelmed perhaps, but certainly interested. It took me a few listens to really feel what these multi-instrument masters were doing, but I still felt stupid listening […]

The Answer Lies in the Black Void – Thou Shalt (Hypnagogic Doom Metal)

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The Answer Lies in the Black Void – Thou Shalt (Hypnagogic Doom Metal)

  Now there’s a mouthful of a band name! And Thou Shalt is a mouthful of an album. Atmospheric types of doom seem to take one of two primary approaches; either they crush with overwhelming chaos or, as in the case of The Answer Lies in the Black Void, they crush with dreamstates. That particular […]

Duivel – Heiligschennis (Truly Blasphemous Black Metal)

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Duivel – Heiligschennis (Truly Blasphemous Black Metal)

  Lol man, this cover. The cut-and-paste painting style displays one of the most vile things I’ve ever seen. It’s sure to defile, and much like the band who dared to have it crafted, Duivel, its blasphemous in ways more glaring than you’d first expect. If you’re familiar with Dutch black metal in the slightest, […]

Cadaver Shrine – Benighted Desecration (Blackened Death Doom of the Funereal Quality)

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Cadaver Shrine – Benighted Desecration (Blackened Death Doom of the Funereal Quality)

  I sometimes wonder if Maurice de Jong, known primarily for his project Gnaw Their Tongues, is like superhuman or something. The number of notable bands he’s constructed, all of a dark and experimental style, would practically be a review in itself. Simply writing them all down would achieve the word count I prefer, but […]

Collision – The Final Kill (Tears of Joy and Sadness Crossover Epilogue)

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Collision – The Final Kill (Tears of Joy and Sadness Crossover Epilogue)

  Nothing these guys do is wrong, there I said it. Even their earlier work, when they more heavily leaned grindcore, is tolerable. But none of that “their early stuff is better” nonsense because they just kept getting better. Not only do they have the guts to wear their own shirts, they realized that grindcore […]

Bezwering – Aan de wormen overgeleverd (UNDEATH METAL)

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Bezwering – Aan de wormen overgeleverd (UNDEATH METAL)

  Bands really need to declare themselves “post” dash whatever when it’s fucking weird. When I hear “black metal,” for example, I expect horse-stomping drums, lo-fi tremolo blizzard storms with maybe riffs in there, and bass that’s rumbling behind all of it as the Popeye screech vocals commence. Lol where’s me spinach? So why bother […]

Dodenbezweerder – Vrees de toorn van de wezens verscholen achter majestueuze vleugels (Holy Shoiss SO LONG TITLE Ambient Black Metal)

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Dodenbezweerder – Vrees de toorn van de wezens verscholen achter majestueuze vleugels (Holy Shoiss SO LONG TITLE Ambient Black Metal)

  Holy piss what a title this is. At least it translates well, but I’ll leave that up to you because I don’t want to waste any more space, goddamn. As I sit here with disease looming, stuff like this just sits so well. Part of me digs that classic black metal sound in almost […]

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