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Spiter – Enter the Gates of Fvcking Hell (Still True Vampyric Metalpunk)

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Spiter – Enter the Gates of Fvcking Hell (Still True Vampyric Metalpunk)

  Well, let’s see if the link to this one with the slightly altered title will make it through the censors lol. Because Spiter would most certainly not use a V in the place of a U. Since the lead is from Shitfucker, I mean, come on. However, though the laughs of that band are […]

Dödsrit – Nocturnal Will (Melancholic Blackened Metalpunk)

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Dödsrit – Nocturnal Will (Melancholic Blackened Metalpunk)

  What an interesting combination of genres this one is, but regardless, musically, it has one of the most emotional presentations I’ve ever seen out of anything going that “blackened” route. Pause, like the armored knight above, and take a breath before you listen. Sweden’s Dödsrit have been releasing full-lengths since 2017, this being their […]