Ifrinn – Caledonian Black Magick (Orthodox Black Metal)


Black metal orthodoxy is usually anathema these days. There’s the conundrum of “should it be from Norway to be troo?” or “should we keep playing these same cold riffs?” Those are the two biggest issues with the classic vein. I prefer submissions that change expectations, but doing things the presumably easy way can work. Is it really easy? Obviously not, for considering the amount of history that comes with a genre like black metal, if you try to emulate what’s come before without putting some soul into it, it will merely sink into nothingness among everything else. Ifrinn learned quite early how to work his native identity into the genre. How remains a mystery, but do we really care? Here’s his second, Caledonian Black Magick.


As proven with his sudden drop in 2016, a S/T on Iron Bonehead, no less, Ifrinn is a master of orthodox black metal riff assault. Here in Calendonian Black Magick we find more clarity in form, less of the barbaric rawness that made its mark for him previously. In this case, the interest is more about the emotion, and it works exceptionally well. Ifrinn writes with anguish; you can hear it in the drums, in the riffs swept away by emotional winds, in the softness of the acoustics, the occasional keyboards, and in particular the strained vocals. If there is one complaint I have it lies in that final aspect. In his sudden appearance in 2016, the tenseness in the vocal delivery worked with the chaotic churning, but here, with a clearer approach, they at times sound more labored than spiteful. Overall, though, it’s a worthy follow-up and offers plenty for the fan of the orthodox path.


Ifrinn Official Facebook

Written by Stanley, Devourer of Souls

Ifrinn – Caledonian Black Magick
The Sinister Flame

Cover Photography: Adam Kristian Gallen
4.4 / 5