Genocídio – The Grave (The Issue With Death Metal Reissues)


I’m always extremely hesitant to review releases of this nature. Ugh, reissues and compilations, hate em. If something was already released, just leave it at that goddamn it. If it’s obscure, maybe there’s a reason for it? If it sold out, maybe there’s a reason for it? Just let resellers have their fill and let the real collectors amass their obscure collections in the privacy of their moldy apartments, got it? Plus, with sites like YouTube absolutely filled to bursting with rare demo shit from bands that lasted a day, is there really any need to reissue anything? In a few cases, yes, though I won’t waste your time with all of the reasons, the greatest being the “holy shit here’s everything they did” comp. But what do we have here with Genocídio?


These guys have the benefit of being one of the oldest death metal acts out of Brazil, a fact alone which makes them deserving of a reinvestigation. But, even for the best of the most obscure releases, again, the issue of the reissue phenomenon is…just why? There needs to be a greater reason, or even better, a reason the buyer’s going to want it. This particular sampling only includes a complete version of their S/T EP from 1988 which you can actually find for around $50 and up in its original format, but other than that you only get five additional tracks that are live and demo stuff. For a vinyl comp, it’s aight, but when I want a reissue I mean I seriously want a reissue. Like double-LP, at least, with tons of extra shit. As it stands, though I love this label, The Grave has little to offer the distinguished underground freak. Just go buy the real stuff or surf YouTube for it.


Genocídio Official Facebook

Written by Stanley, Devourer of Souls

Genocídio – The Grave
Nuclear War Now! Productions

Cover Art: Juma
3.6 / 5