Purulency – Transcendent Unveiling of Dimensions (More Than a Mere Demo Slimy Death Doom)


What a tangled mess of gross this one is. Get your cold, pasty hands off of me! I feel sick! I can’t think! Considering it’s rainy outside as I write this one, we’ll go with those bodily sensations. I want to feel revulsed. Tennessee’s Purulency, in this mere demo, take a different thematic approach for death doom that avoids swamping itself in gore and instead uses bizarre depictions of subhuman worlds of reality in an effort to open for the listener realms of the truly grotesque. Join them in the revulsion of what lies beneath with Transcendent Unveiling of Dimensions.


Technically already dropped by Caligari Records on cassette in January of this year, Pulverized Records picked it up for a CD and vinyl drop at the end of this week. This is proof enough of concept when a band’s initial drop into the well is picked up by two separate labels and placed into three different formats. Is it good? Yeah, of course. Purulency wash the body in slime but don’t drown you in it, a special skill they seem to possess. The sound here is somewhat Finnish in nature and recalls earlier dips in death doom from the mid-1990s, yet, even though a demo, Transcendent Unveiling of Dimensions reveals thick layers of substance of the slowly decomposing kind. Purulency’s sound melds well with their themes here and future work should be grossily fruitful if they stick with the slime.


Purulency Official Instagram

Written by Stanley, Devourer of Souls

Purulency – Transcendent Unveiling of Dimensions
Caligari Records, Pulverised Records

Cover Art: Luxi Lahtinen
4.6 / 5