Coffin Curse (Darkly Negative Death Metal for You to Love)


Yes, I love Chile! I want to live there! Basically every band submission I get from the country is golden. Send me a plane ticket Coffin Curse I want to hang out! Then we can celebrate your greatest release to date, The Continuous Nothing, which is rather the opposite. More like continuous awesome. In spite of this duo’s negative approach with all the human-hating spite they spit, it’s too damn good to be angry. Sorry.


I know Coffin Curse wants to make you hate the world, but they must secretly love it because only happy hands can make death metal of this level. The Continuous Nothing is proof you made a good choice years ago to listen to this shit. Coffin Curse snapped guitar, and human, necks making this assault. The riffs wrap around like barb wire straining upon the bones with barely a breath taken between tracks. Any air going into the lungs is immediately dispersed with the solid dual-vocal approach featuring deep hate growls and screeches like a damn Chilean hawk. It’s a real soul killer, for sure and easily survives continuous listens, so nothing it is most certainly not.


Coffin Curse Official Facebook

Written by Stanley, Devourer of Souls

Coffin Curse – The Continuous Nothing
Memento Mori

Cover Art: Nox Fragor Art (Daniel Hermosilla)
4.5 / 5