Profanation – Skull Crushing Violence (Blatantly Obvious Grind Punk)


There’s nothing much to say about the blatant and the obvious. You merely absorb as it appears. Consisting of members of a number of devastating bands in the French sphere of gross music, Profanation combine these efforts into what could be a one-off or new project, but either way it doesn’t matter. The reason? Skull Crushing Violence makes no effort in expressing itself. It simply is.


And what it is is, well, Skull Crushing Violence! See? There’s not much else to say! It almost feels like an emotional release from all the other work this trio does in various bands. Will it turn out to be more? Really doesn’t matter either way, though it’s certainly possible. Profanation come and end fast and exactly as described. Elements of death, punk, and grind combine for, well, Skull Crushing Violence! It’s so good the shirts are already sold out before the album even drops! You’re probably too late!


Profanation Official Facebook

Written by Stanley, Devourer of Souls

Profanation – Skull Crushing Violence
Iron Bonehead Productions

Cover Art: Band
4.3 / 5