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Stories written by Stanley, Devourer of Souls
Oceanwake – Sunless

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Oceanwake – Sunless

Slower varieties of doom, those that enter the realm of the funereal, are often overlooked except by this sick, vibrant niche of freakos who find themselves content with purposefully getting jaundice and sitting in the darkness after the electricity is shut off, their bills long unpaid after hours of self-induced misery.  All that remains is […]

Sewer Goddess – Painlust

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Sewer Goddess – Painlust

If you were one of the five people who was paying attention on our Facebook page today, apparently saying the word ‘girl’ anywhere near the word ‘noise’ incites a mental riot inside those who think you’re making some trite comment about ‘girl noise’.  First off, we weren’t.  Second off, we know exactly what said user […]

SPLITting Headache – Buncha Metal

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SPLITting Headache – Buncha Metal

Well, we finally made some sense out of what we want to do with this new special feature of ours, titled, as you can see, SPLITting Headache.  The problem we’ve always had with splits is that you have at least two bands, but sometimes more than that, and how do you go about reviewing that? […]

Abstracter – Wound Empire

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Abstracter – Wound Empire

Boy, these guys are persistent as all hell.  That’s a lot of persistence, if you didn’t know, using the word hell with anything is like ‘a lot’ but it sounds more kvlt.  And this persistence clearly came from a need to purge the soul, because when we first met Abstracter almost a year ago, we […]

Rorcal / Process of Guilt –  Split

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Rorcal / Process of Guilt – Split

It’s always difficult to decide what to do with splits.  Sometimes we have a battle between bands, our own imaginary battle, and the victor gets to claim the title that results in some words posted on our site here and that’s about it.  Or, we ahave a new feature called “SPLITting Headache”, but decided it […]

Interview with Usurpress (Take My Throne If You Please)

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Interview with Usurpress (Take My Throne If You Please)

Ah, yes, time for another interview.  Always fun, aways informative, but this one in particular is the most dense in terms of information.  In fact it’s likely the most detailed answers we’ve ever received, which is always a good thing.  What if two hundred years from now someone wanted to know all there was about Usurpress […]

Crowhurst – S/T

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Crowhurst – S/T

Sometimes you look at something and you know it can’t be anything but mind-bending.  You know after listening you’re not going to be the same person, you’re going to be something else and probably won’t remember anything that came prior.  Who am I?  How did I get here?  You move your eyes around the immediate […]

Caldera – Centralia EP

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Caldera – Centralia EP

Out of any musical genres out there, doom metal bands always seem to get it right when it comes to the naming process.  It’s not like that absolute glut of stupidity during the nineties where everything was tagged as “alternative” even though there were like fifty different types of music.  But they all had this […]

Interview with Destroy All Gondolas (Light the Filth Canals on Fire)

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Interview with Destroy All Gondolas (Light the Filth Canals on Fire)

Nothing beats digging around and discovering something like these guys, Italy’s Destroy All Gondolas, who we reviewed several weeks ago.  As soon as that first track opened we were tossed into the waves of a polluted surf, run over by crazed speed punks that played their instruments like surf rockers who prefer gas huffing to […]

The Kill – Kill Them…All

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The Kill – Kill Them…All

Typically, especially over the past five years, any time we’ve received a promo from a band that labels itself “grindcore”, it’s practically already set to become kindling, a Goodwill donation that sits there for years, or something just to destroy and take one’s anger out on in a time of need.  Seriously, rule of thumb, […]