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Stories written by Stanley, Devourer of Souls
Kratherion – Mantra Lucifer Flagelantes

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Kratherion – Mantra Lucifer Flagelantes

Seems we’re on something of a black metal trend here as of late, so why not go further with it?  One of the things we discussed in our last review was the issue of differentiating between classic black metal and the modern post variety.  Yesterday it was the latter, today we step back to the former. […]

Outre – Ghost Chants

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Outre – Ghost Chants

Modern-day black metal usually has clear markers; you can look at how it presents itself and know immediately what to expect.  This is especially true with post-black metal, where alterations to original themes are sometimes so unusual each band almost becomes a separate genre in itself, perhaps a separate country, or better to say planet, […]

Nemesium – Sentient Cognizance

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Nemesium – Sentient Cognizance

What is it with technical/melodic metal and artwork usually dense with organic, Gigeresque imagery?  Swirling masses of thorn organs, smokestacks, skulls made from metal, gears, and general complexity always seems to be the norm.  We suppose that makes sense considering what this type of metal is, but is it required?  Must you have artwork that […]

Boar – Veneficae

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Boar – Veneficae

Let’s kick it back and get high even though we’re straight edge (sorry, but it’s true for the editor anyway).  How can you do such a thing, get high without the necessary substances?  Easy, with modern doom and/or stoner, though the latter, being clearly about “the high”, would be your best option.  Interestingly, you have […]

Tome of the Unreplenished – Innerstanding

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Tome of the Unreplenished – Innerstanding

And now for something totally esoteric.  Different?  Entry-level terminology for the uninitiated.  This is different, it’s been fashioned from the most ancient of hands, a soul so old it defies the beginnings of the human race.  We kind of needed a good bit of that.  We’ve had classic black metal recently, some of the Satanic, […]

Shrine of the Serpent – S/T

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Shrine of the Serpent – S/T

How slow can slow be?  If one gets too slow can that slowly lead to slow degradation?  Or is all slow good if we’re talking about doom?  The word doom itself implies a slowing, if you will, so slow must be the way of the word and the truth, correct?  Well, yes, theoretically, provided the […]

Interview with Abstracter (They Don’t Like Band Pictures)

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Interview with Abstracter (They Don’t Like Band Pictures)

Here we are again autocrats and plebes (you should just leave if that’s you), it’s time for another awesome interview.  Why are they awesome?  Because they are here, on this site?  Wrong, they are awesome because we only interview bands we think deserve it, or, well, sometimes bands we think deserve it who also finish answering […]

Arvas – Black Satanic Mysticism

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Arvas – Black Satanic Mysticism

For some reason over here I was just in the mood for some classic black metal.  There was a longing deep inside for some atmospherically fragile chords, echoing vocals, Satanic imagery, and all of that.  Thankfully while going through the recent glut of promo submissions, there was this.  The cover gave it all away, this […]

Embrional – The Devil Inside

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Embrional – The Devil Inside

This is just a personal thing, but damn this title reminds one of that critically panned should-have-bombed film The Devil Inside from 2012.  Luckily this has nothing to do with that.  So why even mention it?  Sometimes things just happen around here, and just as we accept the random, so must you, or there is no […]