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Dachra (What Not to Do Witchcraft Film)

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Dachra (What Not to Do Witchcraft Film)

  Criticizing horror movies for stupid character behavior is often wishful thinking–humans do silly things under stress, and nobody knows how we’d react in extreme situations until we’re in them. But poor decision-making by movie characters serves a dramatic purpose: it makes us feel superior to them. Telegraphing the missteps that lead to bad outcomes […]

Hotel Inferno 3: The Castle of Screams (FPS Horror Stuff in Film)

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Hotel Inferno 3: The Castle of Screams (FPS Horror Stuff in Film)

  Splattermeister Giulio de Santi made his name in the gorehound underground with his first film, 2012’s Taeter City. On the heels of that opus came Hotel Inferno, an audacious experiment in film mimicking video games, and the start of a tentpole franchise. The crowdfunded third chapter checks all the series boxes: it’s shot entirely […]

We’re All Going to the World’s Fair (Loneliness Creepypasta Glitch Horror Film)

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We’re All Going to the World’s Fair (Loneliness Creepypasta Glitch Horror Film)

  The avenue connecting horror cinema and creepypasta culture has generally been a one-way street. Creepypastas take plenty of influence from horror films, but the only mainstream stabs at adapting them are Sony’s 2018 Slender Man and Syfy’s Channel Zero series. There’s assorted indie Youtubers, exploitation mockbusters, and scaremongering docudramas, but We’re All Going to […]

The Deep Ones (H.P. Lovecraft Lo-Budget Stank Horror by Chad Ferrin)

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The Deep Ones (H.P. Lovecraft Lo-Budget Stank Horror by Chad Ferrin)

  Ask most horror nerds why there’s never been a truly successful Lovecraft adaptation, and they’ll tell you it’s because Lovecraft never described his monsters, but chose to keep them in the shadows, and once you drag something ineffable into sunlight it loses its power. I call bullshit on that for a few reasons. First, […]

Koko-Di Koko-Da (Groundhog Day Murder Grief Film by Johannes Nyholm)

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Koko-Di Koko-Da (Groundhog Day Murder Grief Film by Johannes Nyholm)

  When The Babadook exploded in 2014, along came the usual flurry of thinkpieces praising an intelligent horror movie that dealt with the thorny topic of grief. Although labeling this a new development ignores the long history that horror has with bereavement, the recent trend of “elevated horror” films that explicitly address grief is undeniable. […]

Yummy (Plastic Surgery Zombie Film)

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Yummy (Plastic Surgery Zombie Film)

  Plastic disasters are on the table in Belgiun director Lars Damoiseaux’s Yummy. A woman and her mother seek out shoddy plastic surgery at an Eastern European hospital; the woman wanting a breast reduction and the mannequin-faced mother needing another face lift ala Jocelyn Wildenstein, while the big-breasted woman’s boyfriend is dragged along for moral […]

La Noira (Broken Heart Horror by Carlos Baena)

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La Noira (Broken Heart Horror by Carlos Baena)

  La Noira received tons of praise before I even looked at it, and since my suggested viewing kept bothering me about it I figured “okay, fine.” Directed by mainstream (gasp) powerhouse Carlos Baena (ahem Jurassic Park III and Toy Story 3, among many others) La Noira (which translates to “The Ferris Wheel”) has been […]

Exorcism (Paranormal Blair Witch in a Croatian Basement)

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Exorcism (Paranormal Blair Witch in a Croatian Basement)

  Aww geez, a demonic possession film? Well, it had better feature someone’s head rotating 180 degrees, at least. While Dalibor Matanić’s Exorcism (Egzorcizam in Croatian, 2017) unfortunately does not feature anyone’s head spinning in half circles, it does nonetheless serve as a worthwhile addition to the expanding library of demonic possession films. Shot on […]

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