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Don’t Answer the Phone (Disturbed Veteran Slasher Shlock)

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Don’t Answer the Phone (Disturbed Veteran Slasher Shlock)

  Taking it back to the Dawn of the Reagan Era this month with Don’t Answer the Phone. This by-the-numbers Kenneth Bianchi/Ted Bundy schlocker is elevated to somewhere near greatness by a balls-out performance by Nicholas Worth that will leave you grasping your chair in genuine fear. As for the rest of the film? Well, […]

Nightmare (MKUltra Psychological Slasher Film)

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Nightmare (MKUltra Psychological Slasher Film)

  It’s back! One of the sleaziest and ugliest of the slasher classics that oozed their ways onto movie theaters in the early 1980s has finally returned to your home after substandard earlier releases. Romano Scavolini’s Nightmare remains potent stuff and is more timely than ever in the wake of incidents like the Sandy Hook […]

A Blade in the Dark (1980s Italian Slasher Splatter)

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A Blade in the Dark (1980s Italian Slasher Splatter)

  At the beginning of the 1980s, a violent New Wave of Italian splatter began washing up on these shores. Thanks to the international success of the work of Dario Argento, enterprising distribution houses were taking stabs at bringing Eurohorror to the plebes. Before disappearing into a mess of TV movies and bad rehashes of past glories, Lamberto Bava’s flame shone brightly as an emerging new force in Pasta Land. A Blade in the Dark (aka The House with the Dark Staircase), when viewed today, stands tall […]

The Satan Killer (Thrift Store Mulleted Death Machine Action Thriller Junk)

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The Satan Killer (Thrift Store Mulleted Death Machine Action Thriller Junk)

  Sometimes hitting the video shelves at your local Goodwill/Thrift Store of your choice or the farthest reaches of the Internet is like the Lament Configuration from Hellraiser. You either wind up completely peeled or discover a new form of chocolate stroke you never knew existed. This month, we’ll be diving into the discount bin […]

Evil Laugh (Sordid Skeleton Kink Slasher)

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Evil Laugh (Sordid Skeleton Kink Slasher)

  By 1986, the slasher subgenre had all but run its course. After the one-two punch of Halloween and Friday the 13th raked in serious box office, every major and indie distribution company had to take a stab at the formula, thus creating a surplus of largely forgettable junk. The “Law of Diminishing Returns” set […]

Story of a Junkie (IRL Drug Culture Docudrama)

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Story of a Junkie (IRL Drug Culture Docudrama)

  The crown jewel in the paste crown of the Troma Team, Lech Kowalski’s Story of a Junkie (originally filmed as Gringo) is a wild trip through despair and addiction on the sordid streets of the Lower East Side circa 1983. Depressing, exhilarating, refreshing and a marked contrast from the usual Troma swill, Story of […]

Irréversible (Reverse Order Rape Revenge Thriller)

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Irréversible (Reverse Order Rape Revenge Thriller)

  Sooner or later, everything you know and love will be taken from you. When it happens, the only thing that separates you from everyone else is how you react. Do you suck up your pride and cry into your beer? Do you pack up and take matters into your own hands? Once you do, […]

Manhattan Zodiac ’77 (Modern Giallo Slasher Trashterpiece)

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Manhattan Zodiac ’77 (Modern Giallo Slasher Trashterpiece)

  Hell has finally frozen over… The 1970s and 1980s Grindhouse era of exploitation cinema spawned a curious breed of trendy bullshit infesting streaming sites and video shelves. Blame Tarantino and Rodriguez for this, their failed gimmick inspired a phalanx of imitators who couldn’t tell you the difference between Violent Shit and Dawn of the […]

Primal Rage (Giallo Bio-Horror)

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Primal Rage (Giallo Bio-Horror)

  At the tail end of the 1980s, the Italian horror business was in crisis mode. Argento had fled after Opera for an attempt at grabbing the brass ring of a career in America. Fulci had taken ill and his sporadic output suffered as a result. Lamberto Bava never fulfilled his early promise and Michele […]

The Scarlet Worm (Abortion Brothel Revenge Western)

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The Scarlet Worm (Abortion Brothel Revenge Western)

  Normally, I have a policy not to review movies made by friends and acquaintances because I actually value the people in my life and it would suck if I wrote a bad review and lost a good friend in the process. That said, I’m glad to be breaking company policy today because The Scarlet […]