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The Sadness – 哭悲 (Taiwanese Pandemic Body Horror)

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The Sadness – 哭悲 (Taiwanese Pandemic Body Horror)

  The zombie thing is normally redundant, but, luckily, there are enough creative minds out there to twist the tropes into new forms that are easily understood, yet different in their themes. That brings us to a new 4K release from Vinegar Syndrome of the Taiwanese body horror slaughterfest, The Sadness, feature-length debut of Canadian […]

Rabid Grannies (Horror Comedy More Like Gorror Comedy)

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Rabid Grannies (Horror Comedy More Like Gorror Comedy)

  Get ready for more Grade-A Troma quirkiness with Vinegar Syndrome’s new release of Emmanuel Kerwyn’s Rabid Grannies. This one has been the stuff of legend ever since 1989/1990 when Troma and Media Home Entertainment released their horribly cut VHS edition. Rumors that this was an out-and-out gorefest a la Demons swirled through the underground […]

The Black Room (Gother than The Hunger Horror Thriller)

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The Black Room (Gother than The Hunger Horror Thriller)

  One of the most beautiful things about the “Boutique Label” movement is the careful consideration and attention paid to films that have simply flown under the proverbial radar and been ignored for far too long. Hyped considerably by Bill Landis in the pages of Sleazoid Express yet ignored elsewhere, Elly Kenner and Norman Thaddeus […]

A Gun for Jennifer (Poster Says it All Revenge Thriller)

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A Gun for Jennifer (Poster Says it All Revenge Thriller)

  It’s “Vinegar Syndrome Month” here at Deaf Sparrow and this writer would like to highlight two exceptional releases that are currently flying under the proverbial radar. These are criminally underrated films that will blow your fucking socks off if given the chance yet through some bizarre circumstances or just poor judgment on behalf of […]

Mother’s Day (I Love Mommy Rape Revenge Slasher)

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Mother’s Day (I Love Mommy Rape Revenge Slasher)

  Upon release in 1980, Charles Kaufman’s Mother’s Day has confused, enraged and intrigued audiences the world over with its uneasy mixture of crude humor and sheer terror. Made famous by a scathing takedown by Roger Ebert and praise from FANGORIA, the film continues to baffle with its tonal shifts. Either way, it’s an unforgiving […]

Don’t Answer the Phone (Disturbed Veteran Slasher Shlock)

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Don’t Answer the Phone (Disturbed Veteran Slasher Shlock)

  Taking it back to the Dawn of the Reagan Era this month with Don’t Answer the Phone. This by-the-numbers Kenneth Bianchi/Ted Bundy schlocker is elevated to somewhere near greatness by a balls-out performance by Nicholas Worth that will leave you grasping your chair in genuine fear. As for the rest of the film? Well, […]

A Blade in the Dark (1980s Italian Slasher Splatter)

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A Blade in the Dark (1980s Italian Slasher Splatter)

  At the beginning of the 1980s, a violent New Wave of Italian splatter began washing up on these shores. Thanks to the international success of the work of Dario Argento, enterprising distribution houses were taking stabs at bringing Eurohorror to the plebes. Before disappearing into a mess of TV movies and bad rehashes of past glories, Lamberto Bava’s flame shone brightly as an emerging new force in Pasta Land. A Blade in the Dark (aka The House with the Dark Staircase), when viewed today, stands tall […]

Evil Laugh (Sordid Skeleton Kink Slasher)

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Evil Laugh (Sordid Skeleton Kink Slasher)

  By 1986, the slasher subgenre had all but run its course. After the one-two punch of Halloween and Friday the 13th raked in serious box office, every major and indie distribution company had to take a stab at the formula, thus creating a surplus of largely forgettable junk. The “Law of Diminishing Returns” set […]

Primal Rage (Giallo Bio-Horror)

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Primal Rage (Giallo Bio-Horror)

  At the tail end of the 1980s, the Italian horror business was in crisis mode. Argento had fled after Opera for an attempt at grabbing the brass ring of a career in America. Fulci had taken ill and his sporadic output suffered as a result. Lamberto Bava never fulfilled his early promise and Michele […]

Fair Game (Ozploitation Survival Revenge Film

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Fair Game (Ozploitation Survival Revenge Film

  Ozsploitation (or the rough and tumble flicks that came out of the Land Down Under as a result of the worldwide success of both George Miller’s Mad Max films and the Aussie New Wave of directors like Peter Weir) has experienced a frightening new surge in popularity thanks to doyens of culture like Quentin […]

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