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Upgrade (Death Wish + Linux = )

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Upgrade (Death Wish + Linux = )

  Upgrade is the second film by the Australian Leigh Whaddel, a co-creator of the Saw franchise. Thankfully this film represents a movement away from Whaddel’s earlier gory shenanigans and is a venture into the holiest of holies: science fiction. As opposed to exploring a world where a pig mask wearing grandpa gets hard from […]

Blue My Mind (Little Mermaid Body Horror)

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Blue My Mind (Little Mermaid Body Horror)

  The “coming of age” theme has been exploited in so many films over the years that I’d probably have a brain aneurysm in the process of trying to name them all. Cynical elitism aside, however, at times a healthy dash of artistic flair combined with strong cinematography can give even the most cliched of […]

Defense: Abominations (First-Person Survival Turret Chaos)

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Defense: Abominations (First-Person Survival Turret Chaos)

  You know, when I first caught some pics of Defense: Abominations I expected an entry-level first-person shooter (FPS) effort from some Eastern European cyberflunk who can barely hack his own email. What I found was more of a mid-grade network spy who can almost hack this site’s email but gives up because he’s in the middle of programming […]

Mandy (2018) (Big Chainsaw Duels Are Cool)

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Mandy (2018) (Big Chainsaw Duels Are Cool)

  Panos Cosmatos is a name that should definitely be known to fans of more off-the-wall cinema. Boosting up an undeniably old-school touch with modern cinematography and sound techniques, the young Canadian director should have been on indie film fans’ radar already his dazzling Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010). In 2018, he’s back again with […]

Witch Hunt (First-Person Flintlock Horror Pursuit)

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Witch Hunt (First-Person Flintlock Horror Pursuit)

  Boy I struggled to figure out some sort of synonym for ‘hunt’ to title this, and ‘pursuit’ is all I had for today, but it’s rather fitting for Witch Hunt. I wish I was a bit smarter while writing this, but I’ve had a long month of job interviews, conferences, and things other than playing […]

My Big Sister (Soul-Crushing Reality-Infused Ghost Adventure)

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My Big Sister (Soul-Crushing Reality-Infused Ghost Adventure)

  There’s been a surge in 16-bit styled games in the indie market, usually of the RPG variety since Squaresoft worship will never die. Was The Secret of Mana really that good? Remember one of the bosses was Santa Claus? Yeah, forget that game. Of course they released some pretty stellar titles otherwise, but were only one of several […]

Deluded Mind (First-Person Asylum Drug Romp)

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Deluded Mind (First-Person Asylum Drug Romp)

  My first thought on anything trying to frighten me using an asylum setting is one big looooooool I don’t feel like writing. Whoops. Deluded Mind came up rather randomly while I was searching for another scray [sic] video game to review and I have to tell you it was not the theme that drew me to […]

Usurper (Metroidvania Darkness Ahoy)

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Usurper (Metroidvania Darkness Ahoy)

I love user complaints, but especially concerning video games because anything negative is usually coming from a complete idiot running bad hardware. A fault with the self is hard to admit, it’s easier to blame someone else for your crappy Win-1o set up or connection speed, which has nothing to do with the game itself. It’s […]

The Neon Demon (2016) – The Wicked Die Young

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The Neon Demon (2016) – The Wicked Die Young

Some people think I’m too slow. What’s the point of reviewing something if it was released months ago? Well, I actually analyze what I review, and that takes time, and hey, who doesn’t mind a publicity push after the fact? I can fly through albums pretty quickly, but for films and video games, there’s more […]

Aderlating – Hell Follows

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Aderlating – Hell Follows

One has to wonder if composers from the classical period were alive, what exactly would they be doing?  If they were born in the modern era, where would they be today?  What kind of music would they be making?  Avoid things of the popular, its analogies are fruitless, because in spite of what that music […]

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