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Phantom Fury (Cyberpunk Militant FPS)

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Phantom Fury (Cyberpunk Militant FPS)

  You’ve heard of all that Gamergate stuff, right? And now we’re on to 2.0 or something but I have a different ‘gate’ for you. How about gamers complaining about stuff like spoiled little babies? Everyone acts like games were released without bugs and issues back in the day lol. In the complex programming world […]

WRATH: Aeon of Ruin (Screaming Demon Booger Gun Game)

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WRATH: Aeon of Ruin (Screaming Demon Booger Gun Game)

  Kind of like retro thrash, usually a retro-style shooter can get the blood moving quickly. Anyone familiar with the genre can pop off a number of classics, and I won’t waste your time doing that here. What I will waste your time on is WRATH: Aeon of Ruin, a Quake-engine gore blast that will […]

Garage Bad Trip (Acidhead VHS Zombie Horror)

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Garage Bad Trip (Acidhead VHS Zombie Horror)

  Yeah here we go. If there’s one thing that’s an easy sell in a video game, it’s got to be mutated freaks you blast into pieces, but maybe not because WTF no one seems to be playing this. But wait add getting high off of chemically-soaked rats, killing prisoner guards with nail guns, two-headed […]

Defense: Abominations (First-Person Survival Turret Chaos)

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Defense: Abominations (First-Person Survival Turret Chaos)

  You know, when I first caught some pics of Defense: Abominations I expected an entry-level first-person shooter (FPS) effort from some Eastern European cyberflunk who can barely hack his own email. What I found was more of a mid-grade network spy who can almost hack this site’s email but gives up because he’s in the middle of programming […]