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Phantom Fury (Cyberpunk Militant FPS)

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Phantom Fury (Cyberpunk Militant FPS)

  You’ve heard of all that Gamergate stuff, right? And now we’re on to 2.0 or something but I have a different ‘gate’ for you. How about gamers complaining about stuff like spoiled little babies? Everyone acts like games were released without bugs and issues back in the day lol. In the complex programming world […]

Dead End Drive-in (Dystopian Dayglo Horror Drama)

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Dead End Drive-in (Dystopian Dayglo Horror Drama)

  Described by none other than Quentin Tarantino as his favorite film in the “Exploration” subgenre, Brian Trenchard-Smith’s Dead End Drive-in receives a jam packed 2-disc UHD special edition from the fine folks at Umbrella Entertainment. A queasy mix of dayglo Post-Nuke goodness and genuinely effective social satire, this film is a personal favorite for […]

Bleak Faith: Forsaken (Medieval Cyberpunk Dystopian Git Gud Soulslike)

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Bleak Faith: Forsaken (Medieval Cyberpunk Dystopian Git Gud Soulslike)

  Let me say something before I really begin here. This isn’t a game, it’s an experience. If you do a quick search you’ll undoubtedly find out about the jank, read a number of complaints, poor journalism in relationship to game assets from Epic, and other nonsense. But let’s get to what Bleak Faith: Forsaken […]