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Silent Slayer: Vault of the Vampire (Nerve-Destroying Vampire Horror Puzzle Quest)

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Silent Slayer: Vault of the Vampire (Nerve-Destroying Vampire Horror Puzzle Quest)

  Let me start with the obvious. This is a perfect game. In every way conceivable, and I’m ignoring one little bug that can sometimes occur. Hey man, I thought that’s the plague with modern games, the lack of polishing? If there’s a bug, how can it be perfect? First off, people forget how many […]

The Vampire (Obvious Title First-Person Survival Horror Adventure)

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The Vampire (Obvious Title First-Person Survival Horror Adventure)

  We were graced with a brand-new vampire game at the end of March. What’s there not to love about a vampire? This time, you control a vampire hunter named Cooper, a clear reference to the iconic vampire slayers Buffy and Blade. For the movie buff, I left Van Helsing (2004 film) out because he […]