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GrooVenoM – Wir müssen reden (Lol Trancebore)

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GrooVenoM – Wir müssen reden (Lol Trancebore)

  Sure formula for destruction is core + anything else. See that core? It will, lol, bore. Metalcore, deathcore, anycore, shed a tear for the human race, and then jump off a bridge. Imagine my suicidal thoughts when I saw this particular German troupe in the promos, who annoyingly spell their name with only some […]

Taina – Seelenfresser (Industrial Metal Still Tries Lol)

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Taina – Seelenfresser (Industrial Metal Still Tries Lol)

  I should have known before I started. Taina, I’m sorry, Seelenfresser was set to sprint, but it tripped immediately, shaken by the poof of the starting pistol. The 1990s are gone, friends, though we still worship them when we forget. What we tend to forget is the parts we actually aren’t nostalgic for at all. Here’s a […]

Schrat – Alptraumgänger (Wow 100% German Black Metal)

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Schrat – Alptraumgänger (Wow 100% German Black Metal)

  Man, great art, yeah, love Misanthropic Art. And this is one of the more clever RPG terms-turned-band-name I’ve seen. WTF you talking about, asks the band. The closest translation in English we have of Schrat is “bugbear,” you know, that thing from Dungeons & Dragons? Yeah, I get it, it’s old folklore and such, but […]

Victorius – Dinosaur Warfare Legend of the Powersaurus (Seriousaurus)

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Victorius – Dinosaur Warfare Legend of the Powersaurus (Seriousaurus)

I joked about this one on Facebook when I posted one of the band’s promo photos. Some of you thought it was a meme I created, but it was not. And this critical review, too, is real. Victorius is one of several German bands over the past year that have left me disappointed, but this […]

Quick Reviews – September 2017

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Quick Reviews – September 2017

In case you missed it, we do special, short reviews now of stuff that’s not up to the standards I set for full reviews. Meaning, the cover art sucks. This doesn’t mean the music isn’t any good, of course, but as you know, at least 1/4 of an album’s presence is in its art, a […]

Streams of Blood – Allgegenwärtig

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Streams of Blood – Allgegenwärtig

Can old aesthetic still prove reliable? It can, but anymore too many similarities to the old can be damning. Degraded art of the Xerox variety? Risky. I usually expect, with a cover like this, the absolute worst. Black and gray? Just a variation of black and white, and one can imagine the dialog between you […]

Swarm Intelligence – Rust

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Swarm Intelligence – Rust

Can we praise Ad Noiseam some more?  At this point it would be so redundant our focus keyword ratio for the label would explode Google searches and become the only thing that appears, regardless of what you want to find.  Tamarind caloric content?  Sorry, Ad Noiseam’s going to come up, because we talk about them […]

Deathrite – Revelation of Chaos

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Deathrite – Revelation of Chaos

The start of the week, the start of work, or the start of not doing work, or not getting up, or hating everything until Thursday when it all seems bright again. Until then, work, work, and work.  But if you’re at work, what are you doing on this site?  That’s easy to explain because you, like […]

Mayak – Allegiance to None

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Mayak – Allegiance to None

Now here’s an interesting mix from Bielefeld, Germany.  In this modern era, you have the pontifiers of the classique, those who refuse to quit the age-old style of various genres, content with appealing to a rather stagnant fan base.  In addition to that camp you have the truly unique, those who often create a wide […]

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