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Trog – Horrors Beyond (Devolved Horror Death Metal)

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Trog – Horrors Beyond (Devolved Horror Death Metal)

  I don’t know what the hell that monster mess is on the cover of the first full-length from New Jersey’s Trog but I like it, a lot. Previously, and fairly recently, known under the name of “Troglorot” (whatever the hell that meant), Trog is mainly interested in death metal devolution, both musically and thematically. […]

Scolopendra – Those of the Catacombs (Vocally Sophomoric Occult Death Metal)

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Scolopendra – Those of the Catacombs (Vocally Sophomoric Occult Death Metal)

  Well this is a curious state of affairs. Two of the dudes in Abhor and two random dudes from other bands appear to have a side project of sorts, or perhaps just a one-off, we don’t know yet because this is the only thing Scolopendra has done. It came out of nowhere, and it […]