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Burial Moon – S/T (Mystical Darkness Raw Black Metal)

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Burial Moon – S/T (Mystical Darkness Raw Black Metal)

  This one surprised me for reasons that might escape the usual listener. I was told once I review too much black metal, but that happened to be a coincidence for the time and now that winter draws closer I have an excuse if I wanna engage. At any rate, I know the tropes, you […]

Awaketh – S/T (OMG It’s Raw Black Metal)

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Awaketh – S/T (OMG It’s Raw Black Metal)

  I normally veer off the path of comp releases. I get it, vltra rariade demo tapes are hard to legit come by without bootlegging from a YouTube MP3 download, but do we really need that stuff repressed in any format? Sometimes, I guess, but to make it tasty you need to toss in some […]

Mons Veneris – S/T EP (Dungeon Black Metal is Cool)

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Mons Veneris – S/T EP (Dungeon Black Metal is Cool)

  I guess this is the week I deal out some Central and South American crud. Total chance, but this, along with a new one from Sacrocurse, happened to come in at the same time and neither decided to suck so nice on that count. Few in black metal fandom have not heard of the […]

Atila – V

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Atila – V

Boy we needed a dose of this.  Too much dark synthwave anymore, has anyone noticed that?  How could you not?  With the quickness of the Internet, as soon as something catches, it’s everywhere, it burns through the kindling of memes and vines like a giant backdraft that’s somehow appeared in an open space.  Give it […]