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Drawn and Quartered – The One Who Lurks (WTF Am I Looking At Metal)

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Drawn and Quartered – The One Who Lurks (WTF Am I Looking At Metal)

  Boy did I sit on this one a long time. I mean, yeah, we sit on stuff a long time in general, but this is different because hard copy submissions, provide we will review them in the first place, have always gotten priority. Why you break your own rules? My excuse is I listened […]

Bonehunter – Children of the Atom (Some Sort of Metal)

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Bonehunter – Children of the Atom (Some Sort of Metal)

  Woah WTF so we got this new update to the site backend and I have no idea what I’m looking at… Hey, kind of like the latest from Bonehunter, Children of the Atom, so that works out better than I expected. I mean look at that great cover by Joe Petagno. I have no idea what it […]

WITCH KING – Voice Of The Ossuary (Another Satan Metal Band)

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WITCH KING – Voice Of The Ossuary (Another Satan Metal Band)

  Sometimes the stupid titles I come up with sound more condescending than they actually are. They’re more congenial, at times, like this time. I mean, come on, can’t we at least question the Satan thing in metal once in awhile? Just once I’d like to see someone or some band do something a little more […]

Crawl – Rituals (Sweden Does It Again, Basically)

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Crawl – Rituals (Sweden Does It Again, Basically)

  I feel like I’ve been getting a lot of Swedish metal the past few months. Actually, it’s probably more than I’ve noticed it since it’s been pretty damn good in general. I really need to stop with the italics joke, so let’s see if I can make it through the rest of this. Really I don’t need […]


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  I rarely specify where exactly a band is from in the US unless there’s some well-known association with a genre and particular area, city, or whatever. Also I guess that depends on state size, right? Like most people will just say Rhode Island instead of specifying a city, outside of the pretentious wonderland of […]

CASSETTE ASSAULT (Stuff I’ve Been Sitting Upon)

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CASSETTE ASSAULT (Stuff I’ve Been Sitting Upon)

It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these, and that’s primarily because of a special app I’m seriously working on for the site where I can give some press to stuff I don’t review on in this way anymore. Bad art, or just ehhh releases, will all have their due eventually. Sometimes this […]

VAHRZAW – Husk (Like Warsaw But Less Metal)

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VAHRZAW – Husk (Like Warsaw But Less Metal)

Good one guys, going with the spelling variant on a Slavic city, in this case Warsaw, or at least I assumed that was the idea (I was wrong). And since just everyone is talking about it, let’s consider for a second that scray [sic] art by the oh-so-great Luciana Nedelea, whose work you’ve probably encountered quite a […]

HAR – Visitation (Mountainous Black Metal)

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HAR – Visitation (Mountainous Black Metal)

Man, I just did a site search, and apparently I have never reviewed an Israeli band. How is this possible? This is one of those random ones that came into the promo garbage pile in email, too, so I may not have noticed it at first if it wasn’t for the cover. I had never heard […]

Grave Spirit – The Beast Unburdened by Flesh (Crud Love)

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Grave Spirit – The Beast Unburdened by Flesh (Crud Love)

I was pretty sure this band had some sort of roots in South or Central America, but I just can’t figure it out for sure damn it. It just has that nasty, crude, but totally awesome sound to it. Lo-fi, yet listenable, shrieking, harsh, cymbals that sound like empty pie pans, I mean this has got it […]

Profane Order – Tightened Noose of Sanctimony (Demo Metal)

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Profane Order – Tightened Noose of Sanctimony (Demo Metal)

I almost started a new feature with this one, covering only demos, but I so rarely get any that I’d even consider reviewing I figured eh, let’s just do this as the usual apocryphal review. Profane Order you’ve probably never heard of, but you likely will in the coming years, depending on what they do. […]

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