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Witchbones – The Seas of Draugen (Occult Death Metal on the Open Seas)

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Witchbones – The Seas of Draugen (Occult Death Metal on the Open Seas)

  Lol I always think the theme of the sea is silly in metal, but then I remember I’ve encountered a few bands over the years that have turned it from silly to formidable. We will now be adding to that imaginary list Witchbones, who preach the canon of occult death metal from broken ships […]

Hagzissa – They Ride Along (Real Specter Metal)

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Hagzissa – They Ride Along (Real Specter Metal)

  Occasionally a band like this just totally nails the spook thing. It’s October, I’m late on reviewing this and disgusted at myself, it’s cold only part of the day, and there are fake ghosts about so I need to fully feel the spook. It’s a hard angle to play, though, there’s a balance between […]

Ill Omen – The Grande Usurper (Okkvlt Black Metal Ritvalz)

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Ill Omen – The Grande Usurper (Okkvlt Black Metal Ritvalz)

  Here we have the latest release by occult black metal mystery Ill Omen, who hails from New South Wales, Australia. The Grande Usurper was released on Iron Bonehead Productions, well known for all that is underground kvlt for superior provincials. And if you’re reading this well that’s you, whose expected metal offerings demand the occult and […]

Malsanctum – S/T (Two Minutes to Funeral Doom’s Funeral)

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Malsanctum – S/T (Two Minutes to Funeral Doom’s Funeral)

  Well, here it is, likely the first time something from Iron Bonehead Productions actually depresses me in the other way. I prefer the “why does the human race exist?” type of depression, but this is more of a “why was this album released?” sadness. Now, please pause, for I have already started this on an […]

Abhor – Occulta religiO (1920s Organ-Grinder Metal)

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Abhor – Occulta religiO (1920s Organ-Grinder Metal)

  I love this cover, just love it. But my love stops there. because I had heard of Abhor before, and I wasn’t excited then, still not very excited now. In the past they were the usual “true Norwegian” type of black metal, only not from Norway. But they’ve been around since 1995, an impressive […]

Grave Upheaval (Can’t Translate the Title Metal)

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Grave Upheaval (Can’t Translate the Title Metal)

It’s hard to not like a band with a name like Grave Upheaval. Plenty of bands have used the word “grave,” but this one is far more powerful. Cemetery references are pretty stock now, but an upheaval, damn. This isn’t like defacing a single grave, it isn’t like committing sacrilege over a grave, this is an upheaval, like […]

Grave Spirit – The Beast Unburdened by Flesh (Crud Love)

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Grave Spirit – The Beast Unburdened by Flesh (Crud Love)

I was pretty sure this band had some sort of roots in South or Central America, but I just can’t figure it out for sure damn it. It just has that nasty, crude, but totally awesome sound to it. Lo-fi, yet listenable, shrieking, harsh, cymbals that sound like empty pie pans, I mean this has got it […]

Altarage – Nihil

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Altarage – Nihil

Oh how we dread our submissions, oh how we loathe the endless messages, the letters (yes some people still write those), the pages upon pages of words soon forgotten in this escapist novel we turn called email.  The density can be overwhelming, never-ending, so repetitive it’s scarcely possible to give more than a moment to […]

Tetragrammacide – Typhonian Wormholes: Indecipherable Anti-Structural Formulæ

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Tetragrammacide – Typhonian Wormholes: Indecipherable Anti-Structural Formulæ

We’ve had our sampling of the bizarre in the past year, especially that which can be deemed genre-bending, chaotically forged, is-this-reality metal.  We’re living in a world of chaos these days, so perhaps it’s all a symbol of the collapse of the human race, a look into the future when eventually everything is meaningless and […]

Autokrator – S/T

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Autokrator – S/T

There are certain people out there giving us a wealth of idiocy to criticize, and it’s great because we can still seem creative.  Let it be known that anyone who references Star Wars in a review of any metal band, unless it’s a metal band with a focus on Star Wars, is a complete toolbox, […]

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