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Mistcavern – Into Twilight (Ethereal Black Metal)

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Mistcavern – Into Twilight (Ethereal Black Metal)

  Well wasn’t this a little surprise this week? Surprising in the sense that I thought it would be beyond typical, the usual, the banal. So typical it was likely a simple stereotype given form. But something told me in that hazy, miasmatic cover there was likely something of a musical equivalent. As usual, I […]

Concilivm – A Monument in Darkness (Alchemical Death Metal)

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Concilivm – A Monument in Darkness (Alchemical Death Metal)

  Heavenly God the end is near with this one phew. Though not the first Chilean band I’ve encountered, nor the first band summoning such disgust, Concilivm is definitely one of the new greats, and proof that their homeland is one of the hottest pits of corrupted metal in the world these days. Caustic, infectious, […]

Trance of the Undead – Chalice of Disease (Dismal Dungeon Black Metal)

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Trance of the Undead – Chalice of Disease (Dismal Dungeon Black Metal)

  Check that crud art; black Sharpie covering a white piece of paper. Limited skill, limited shape, it’s like looking into a dark cave and allowing your eyes to adjust, but still too dark to really make out the image. And musically, ahhhh, Brazil’s Trance of the Undead is a comparable force of similar aesthetic. […]

Malgöth – Primordial Dawn (Psychotic Death Metal)

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Malgöth – Primordial Dawn (Psychotic Death Metal)

  So I was in the mood for some absolutely bestial, war-torn, tortuous death metal today and wow here I get some psychotic stuff instead (that’s better). Canadian pummel lords Malgöth are one of those random Iron Bonehead releases that just came out of frikken nowhere. Though at least one of the members has an […]

Rope Sect – The Great Flood (Sentimental Moan Rock)

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Rope Sect – The Great Flood (Sentimental Moan Rock)

  Well I meant to get on this one before release but a tree hit our house so like that was more important I guess. Rope Sect I’ve heard before and I’m glad to see a furtherance of the band’s signature sound of seclusion in this latest sampling of post-punk, quasi-Goth, death rock, moan metal […]

Dkharmakhaoz – Proclamation ov the Black Suns (Did I Spell it Right Post-Apocalyptic Black Metal)

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Dkharmakhaoz – Proclamation ov the Black Suns (Did I Spell it Right Post-Apocalyptic Black Metal)

  Sometimes metal of the arcane is just lame. Don’t bring that shit if you can’t walk that shit. This is especially problematic when bands of this virulent strain have really long and/or difficult to spell names like that’s supposed to mean they’re awesome or something. Holy shit I can’t even pronounce it let alone […]

Deadlight Sanctuary – Thaumaturgical Rites of the Damned (Abhorrently Not Kvlt Ritualistic Black Metal)

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Deadlight Sanctuary – Thaumaturgical Rites of the Damned (Abhorrently Not Kvlt Ritualistic Black Metal)

  Sometimes I wonder how black metal can do the same old thing, but here I go again with that oft-stated conundrum. It’s the same thing with classic hardcore, punk, and the like. There’s always the typical, and that’s what pretty much runs the genre as a whole. But jeez, I say, why can’t more […]

Dodenbezweerder – Vrees de toorn van de wezens verscholen achter majestueuze vleugels (Holy Shoiss SO LONG TITLE Ambient Black Metal)

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Dodenbezweerder – Vrees de toorn van de wezens verscholen achter majestueuze vleugels (Holy Shoiss SO LONG TITLE Ambient Black Metal)

  Holy piss what a title this is. At least it translates well, but I’ll leave that up to you because I don’t want to waste any more space, goddamn. As I sit here with disease looming, stuff like this just sits so well. Part of me digs that classic black metal sound in almost […]

Necrobode – Sob o Feitiço do Necrobode (WARsome Metal)

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Necrobode – Sob o Feitiço do Necrobode (WARsome Metal)

  I’m either going through a phase or this type metal is just always good. I know you all call it “war metal” but since it’s so awesome I like to call it “warsome metal.” The term will never stick, but I can claim it as my own. So Necrobode I’ve heard, and they’ve screamed […]

Worm – Gloomlord (Soul-Sloughing Doom)

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Worm – Gloomlord (Soul-Sloughing Doom)

  You know you’re in for something different with this cover; it’s one of those that makes your eyes wander for hours until the details wrap around your head and constrict. Worm avoid all popularity. Their presence is thin at most and hidden in Internet fog, and more importantly their music’s a miasma that oozes […]

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