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WRATH: Aeon of Ruin (Screaming Demon Booger Gun Game)

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WRATH: Aeon of Ruin (Screaming Demon Booger Gun Game)

  Kind of like retro thrash, usually a retro-style shooter can get the blood moving quickly. Anyone familiar with the genre can pop off a number of classics, and I won’t waste your time doing that here. What I will waste your time on is WRATH: Aeon of Ruin, a Quake-engine gore blast that will […]

The Beast Inside (Eternal Family Curse with Brezhnev Spies Game)

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The Beast Inside (Eternal Family Curse with Brezhnev Spies Game)

  I’ve seen some call this game confused, conflicted, uncertain of its identity, etc. I can understand why, but like maybe you don’t know what you want to be, so how about some of that huh? For first-person survival horror that melds two entirely separate time periods together using spookery and fooking Brezhnev-era Stagnation Soviet […]

Die Young (Socialist Dystopia Survival Horror)

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Die Young (Socialist Dystopia Survival Horror)

  Die Young is a first-person survival horror excursion into your wildist “rich white study abroad live laugh love but really just drinking” dreams from Indiegala, where you control Daphne, extreme sports enthusiast turned kidnapee on a mysterious island where a bunch of socialist freaks are working on utopia. As usual, that means killing anyone […]

Beyond Senses (Indie Appstore Horror Throwback)

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Beyond Senses (Indie Appstore Horror Throwback)

  I always have some form of compelling respect for a solo developer trying to bring a dark, hellspawn of a vision to life with blood, sweat, and tears. That’s why it’s all the more of a bummer to see indie developer Sky Haubrich’s co-operative survival horror game Beyond Senses join the “dead on launch” […]

Blair Witch (You Can Pet the Dog Horror Game)

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Blair Witch (You Can Pet the Dog Horror Game)

  Any nerd has probably seen their fair share of videogame adaptations based on friggin awesome movies and considering the biblical magnificence of the cult classic The Blair Witch Project (1999) we can pretty much saw this coming (sooner or later). The iconic hype behind the film’s take on cursed woods discombobulating back-packing survivors to […]

Eldervale (Cthonic Orphange of Creepy)

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Eldervale (Cthonic Orphange of Creepy)

  Uh oh it’s some creepy PS2-era shit look out. I like games that risk their existence with that kind of aesthetic. Or I’m just old fogey and any chance to live in the past I take from all holes. That’s great because Eldervale has lots of holes you enter, though it really didn’t impress […]

Silver Chains (Laundromat of the Haunted House Genre)

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Silver Chains (Laundromat of the Haunted House Genre)

  Ladies and germs, I braced myself for some spook-ful frights and gorged on all the mental asylum and haunted house games that succeeded before indie developer Cracked Heads released their demonic puzzle/exploration Silver Chains. Unfortunately, from the moment protagonist “Peter” totaled his bush bomb of a car into a tree and was met by […]

Visage (Arthritic Granny Escape)

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Visage (Arthritic Granny Escape)

  Finally, through all the years that have passed us by since the cancelled release of Silent Hill’s heavily praised and also terrifying ‘P.T’, something sufficient stepped up to the table, filling the endless void of longing. The games called Visage, and it emerged into life by Indie development team SadSquare Studio in a bold […]

Apparition (Actually Scary Ouija Ghost Hunt)

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Apparition (Actually Scary Ouija Ghost Hunt)

  Okay this game freaked me out. When Fat Dog Games first told me about Apparition after I contacted them about a different game, I was disinterested because of how pathetic the theme seemed but I figured eh free play, review, move on. I was wrong. So very wrong and so very scared. Who would […]

Pandemic Express (Mosquito Mutant Tag With Assassin Mimes)

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Pandemic Express (Mosquito Mutant Tag With Assassin Mimes)

  Talk about some deceptive wording. Pandemic Express is billed with the word “zombie” thrown about but zombies there are none though escape plenty. I’m not sure why everyone latched onto it as a “zombie” thing when it stands perfectly fine on its own feet if you’re into mutant insect people, but I suppose for […]