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The Deep Ones (H.P. Lovecraft Lo-Budget Stank Horror by Chad Ferrin)

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The Deep Ones (H.P. Lovecraft Lo-Budget Stank Horror by Chad Ferrin)

  Ask most horror nerds why there’s never been a truly successful Lovecraft adaptation, and they’ll tell you it’s because Lovecraft never described his monsters, but chose to keep them in the shadows, and once you drag something ineffable into sunlight it loses its power. I call bullshit on that for a few reasons. First, […]

Yuki-onna – It’s Useless To Go On (Delicate Harsh Noise Wall)

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Yuki-onna – It’s Useless To Go On (Delicate Harsh Noise Wall)

  Ah time to blast some harsh noise wall (HNW) eh, though it irritates me I have to spend precious moments of my day looking for this stuff. It needs to come in the promos and more regularly, without my effort specifically. I continuously find it baffling how little noise bands and labels put into […]

Sacrocurse – Supreme Terror (Torture Dungeon Death Metal)

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Sacrocurse – Supreme Terror (Torture Dungeon Death Metal)

  Cool now we got some Mexican bile for you. Covered some black metal today, of the dungeon variety, now let’s move it on to death metal of the blackened variety, also possibly in a dungeon of sorts. That depends on your interpretation. Mine would lean in that direction, with echoing, tortured, howling screams rebounding […]

Mons Veneris – S/T EP (Dungeon Black Metal is Cool)

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Mons Veneris – S/T EP (Dungeon Black Metal is Cool)

  I guess this is the week I deal out some Central and South American crud. Total chance, but this, along with a new one from Sacrocurse, happened to come in at the same time and neither decided to suck so nice on that count. Few in black metal fandom have not heard of the […]

Evangelist – Ad Mortem Festinamus (Renaissance Doom Metal)

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Evangelist – Ad Mortem Festinamus (Renaissance Doom Metal)

  This was certainly not what I expected at all but man did my general surprise turn into feelings of excitement, love, obsession, and pretty much lust. I’d marry these guys and find a way to bear their children, and their children’s children, and so on. I’d declare dual-citizenship and when asked “why do you […]

Magnus – Scarlet Slaughterer (Polish Thrash Speed Blood Metal)

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Magnus – Scarlet Slaughterer (Polish Thrash Speed Blood Metal)

  I normally avoid reviewing reissues for the simple fact that they’re pretty common knowledge by the time they’re dumped again. Otherwise they wouldn’t be in consideration for reprinting, you know? But reissues of the same shit without a lick of anything new? No go here, I’m afraid, do a Googlite or Bingly search if […]

TRUP – KE (Ghost of Christmas Black Death Noise)

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TRUP – KE (Ghost of Christmas Black Death Noise)

  Oh shit it’s the ghost of Christmas future except it never goes away. So that makes it like a ghost of black death noise I suppose. As far as I can tell one of the freaks in TRUP made the cover of KE with a cheap phone cam and a hoodie but man it […]

Iron Flesh – Summoning the Putrid (Melodic Putridity Metal of Death)

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Iron Flesh – Summoning the Putrid (Melodic Putridity Metal of Death)

  Now here’s some filthy garbage even an incinerator can’t purge, though I’m still thoroughly confused as to how the band actually writes their name. It’s either “IronFlesh” or “Iron Flesh” and honestly that annoys the piss out of me. But anyway for this Christmas Eve Summoning the Putrid is a nice one since it’s […]

Children of Technology – Written Destiny (Pay Your Child Support Thrash Punk)

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Children of Technology – Written Destiny (Pay Your Child Support Thrash Punk)

  Yeah I like Motörhead now, but it’s because of Children of Technology. I know, Lemmy had sex with eight kabillion women and that makes him a rawk star because he did it while snorting dishwasher powder and drinking Tide and then had kids he refused to acknowledge unless they soloed on stage with him […]

Sainte Marie des Loups – Funérailles de feu (Italics for Emphasis French Black Metal)

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Sainte Marie des Loups – Funérailles de feu (Italics for Emphasis French Black Metal)

  Everything about this screamed commit thyself to the flames from the second I looked at it. Bleeding eye femme with a sword? A band name that references wolves? An album about funerals in fire? A sold out (damn it) vinyl release in red/black marble with a black and white cover? I mean everything about […]