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Hexorcist – Evil Reaping Death (Old School Florida Death Metal Lol)

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Hexorcist – Evil Reaping Death (Old School Florida Death Metal Lol)

  Oh great, here we have some more old school death metal. Can you take any more? Can I? Well, if it’s stuff like Miami Florida-based Hexorcist, then the answer is actually yes, believe it or not. But what does this type of sound entail? I could drop names to make it clear, but for […]

Black Ceremonial Kult – Crowned in Chaos (Murderous Blackened Death Metal)

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Black Ceremonial Kult – Crowned in Chaos (Murderous Blackened Death Metal)

  Woah boy is this good. Yep, it will murder you. Yet another killer release to add to the “Chilean blackened freaks” category I’ve found much delight in in the past decade. What are the other bands I can recall? Who cares, because this is MFin Black Ceremonial Kult fools, so let’s stay focused on […]

Chainsword – Blightmarch (Dakka Dakka Metal)

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Chainsword – Blightmarch (Dakka Dakka Metal)

  Ooooh those angry, angry Poles playing their video games. Still getting out that war angst I suppose. It’s understandable, the country was wrecked by subjugation and terror for like five-hundred years until the end of WWII, so I’d be pretty pissed too. But hey, I’ll allow it for at least one reason, that being […]

TRUP – KE (Ghost of Christmas Black Death Noise)

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TRUP – KE (Ghost of Christmas Black Death Noise)

  Oh shit it’s the ghost of Christmas future except it never goes away. So that makes it like a ghost of black death noise I suppose. As far as I can tell one of the freaks in TRUP made the cover of KE with a cheap phone cam and a hoodie but man it […]

Rites of Daath – Doom Spirit Emanation (Sweet, Painful Blackened Death Doom)

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Rites of Daath – Doom Spirit Emanation (Sweet, Painful Blackened Death Doom)

  I was originally going to pass on this simply because I didn’t get to it in time, but upon further consideration of how freaking absolutely awesome it is I couldn’t ignore my musically stabbed heart. I swear I don’t support Godz Ov War Productions in a secret side-deal, it just so happens this is […]

Eternal Rot – Putridarium (Bowel Disgorging Groove Death)

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Eternal Rot – Putridarium (Bowel Disgorging Groove Death)

  Oh man what a filthy groove. Stuff like this is hard to hate. Downright impossible in most cases. Or, at least in the case of Eternal Rot it is truth to speak as such. I’ve heard these guys before but I can’t remember what led me to pass on the review. Either I got […]

Outre – Ghost Chants

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Outre – Ghost Chants

Modern-day black metal usually has clear markers; you can look at how it presents itself and know immediately what to expect.  This is especially true with post-black metal, where alterations to original themes are sometimes so unusual each band almost becomes a separate genre in itself, perhaps a separate country, or better to say planet, […]

Embrional – The Devil Inside

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Embrional – The Devil Inside

This is just a personal thing, but damn this title reminds one of that critically panned should-have-bombed film The Devil Inside from 2012.  Luckily this has nothing to do with that.  So why even mention it?  Sometimes things just happen around here, and just as we accept the random, so must you, or there is no […]

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