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Surge – Demo 2020 (Ungentrified Noise Punk)

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Surge – Demo 2020 (Ungentrified Noise Punk)

  After deciding against one of the albums I had in the queue for review this week I was like, man I need some punk you know? So I dug around and this one popped up out of an unmarked grave. Lol wow. I’m not even sure where to begin with it, even though in […]

Balmog – Pillars of Salt (Bearded Occult Black Metal)

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Balmog – Pillars of Salt (Bearded Occult Black Metal)

  Yeah now we got some Spain up in this. When it comes to metal, Spain kills. And I don’t think I’ve heard occult black metal killed as much as I have from Spain. I mean so killed it’s kulled, plus the dudes doing it usually have these epic and genuinely scary beards they flit […]

Dodenbezweerder – Vrees de toorn van de wezens verscholen achter majestueuze vleugels (Holy Shoiss SO LONG TITLE Ambient Black Metal)

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Dodenbezweerder – Vrees de toorn van de wezens verscholen achter majestueuze vleugels (Holy Shoiss SO LONG TITLE Ambient Black Metal)

  Holy piss what a title this is. At least it translates well, but I’ll leave that up to you because I don’t want to waste any more space, goddamn. As I sit here with disease looming, stuff like this just sits so well. Part of me digs that classic black metal sound in almost […]

Ulvdalir – Hunger for the Cursed Knowledge (Ingrian Black Metal Duh)

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Ulvdalir – Hunger for the Cursed Knowledge (Ingrian Black Metal Duh)

  Did you even, like, know what “Ingrian Black Metal” was before this review? I know I didn’t, lol. I had heard something of the region of Ingria, but I didn’t realize there was this thing with black metal there until I heard Ulvdalir. I won’t even get into the complex ethnic background of it […]

Raider – Guardian of Fire (Forged in a Meek Spark Thrash)

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Raider – Guardian of Fire (Forged in a Meek Spark Thrash)

  I like sword guy. I thought sword guy would bring me some thrash fire. But he brings more of a spark that could, some day, ignite into bigger flames of thrash. That requires hands willing to work for it, however, and the work needs to be personal. It is necessary to grind the thrash […]

Rosy Finch – Scarlet (Real Pain Sludge Metal)

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Rosy Finch – Scarlet (Real Pain Sludge Metal)

  I had my doubts about this one at first. I saw the band drop references to 90s grunge acts I’d rather forget, except in a nightmare, and anyone running that kind of line of defense is usually eliminated in a few riffs. Don’t show your age too much, you know? But Rosy Finch are […]

Muscipula – Little Chasm of Horrors (Plant Metal)

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Muscipula – Little Chasm of Horrors (Plant Metal)

  Man what a slay this is. There’s almost nothing about these filth clowns, Muscipula, anywhere on the Internets. That’s cool, because I guess it makes it more like dark web metal or something. Actually in this case plant metal. To further that theory the band names themselves off of an obsession over Venus flytraps […]

SWAN MEAT – FLESH WORLD (MMO and Anime Music But Cool)

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SWAN MEAT – FLESH WORLD (MMO and Anime Music But Cool)

  Man that’s a great cover. It’s like totally anime and MMO or something, but the good stuff only. So that’s one-line intro, or two-line rather, for today because combining anime and MMO music into something worthy of transcending background music is exactly what FLESH WORLD is about. SWAN MEAT I’ve known for some years […]

Necrobode – Sob o Feitiço do Necrobode (WARsome Metal)

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Necrobode – Sob o Feitiço do Necrobode (WARsome Metal)

  I’m either going through a phase or this type metal is just always good. I know you all call it “war metal” but since it’s so awesome I like to call it “warsome metal.” The term will never stick, but I can claim it as my own. So Necrobode I’ve heard, and they’ve screamed […]

On Thorns I Lay – Threnos (Melodideathdoom Lol I’m a Writer)

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On Thorns I Lay – Threnos (Melodideathdoom Lol I’m a Writer)

  I’m starting to realize Lifeforce Records has this “thing” with melodic metal bands who absolutely kill in the production and presentation. Sometimes setting a niche for yourself is good, except with pornogrind. Just let those fools have their netlabels and their weird community of drum machine, family-in-the-audience shows. So back to melodic metal, in […]