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Tentation – Le Berceau des Dieux (Better Than Maiden French Heavy Metal)

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Tentation – Le Berceau des Dieux (Better Than Maiden French Heavy Metal)

  Awwww yeah. I feel like I need to say that here. I mean I probably have said it elsewhere but this particular releases warrants a classic awwww yeah because it itself is classic heavy metal, but with a beautiful French twist that actually is true beef instead of queef. Sorry, French, we know the […]

Gorgon – Traditio Satanae (Black Punk or Something)

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Gorgon – Traditio Satanae (Black Punk or Something)

  The modern French vein of post-black metal has been a personal favorite of mine for some years, which has sadly led me to ignore much of the classic coming out of France simply out of habit. Gorgon has been in the scene since black metal became a “thing” back in the early 1990s, and […]

Wÿntër Ärvń – Abysses (Black Metal Folk Stuff)

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Wÿntër Ärvń – Abysses (Black Metal Folk Stuff)

  A little late on this review, but I wanted to let Wÿntër Ärvń sink into my being more before I made my final decision. It was necessary, for I rarely receive folk that truly captures my attention, dark folk probably least of all. Not familiar sir, you think? Never, most of it simply fails […]

Exanimis – Marionnettiste (Orchestral Steam Punk Death Metal)

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Exanimis – Marionnettiste (Orchestral Steam Punk Death Metal)

  So I was thoroughly surprised by this one and now I have a deep-seated craving for orchestral death metal with steam punk stuff going on. Not black metal, I get a bit of that, like I want more bands to do this kind of thing but perhaps it’s just too hard for the provincials, […]

Iron Flesh – Summoning the Putrid (Melodic Putridity Metal of Death)

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Iron Flesh – Summoning the Putrid (Melodic Putridity Metal of Death)

  Now here’s some filthy garbage even an incinerator can’t purge, though I’m still thoroughly confused as to how the band actually writes their name. It’s either “IronFlesh” or “Iron Flesh” and honestly that annoys the piss out of me. But anyway for this Christmas Eve Summoning the Putrid is a nice one since it’s […]

Sainte Marie des Loups – Funérailles de feu (Italics for Emphasis French Black Metal)

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Sainte Marie des Loups – Funérailles de feu (Italics for Emphasis French Black Metal)

  Everything about this screamed commit thyself to the flames from the second I looked at it. Bleeding eye femme with a sword? A band name that references wolves? An album about funerals in fire? A sold out (damn it) vinyl release in red/black marble with a black and white cover? I mean everything about […]

Igorrr – Very Noise (Frenetic Flesh Beast War by MEAT DEPT.)

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Igorrr – Very Noise (Frenetic Flesh Beast War by MEAT DEPT.)

  Caught a few words on this one here on the Spinternet, and lol, “insane” and “crazy” were just two of the choice cuts from total fools who obviously have never heard of Igorrr before, duh. It’s unlikely you haven’t heard of him, but you might be wondering why I’d bother with such a name […]

Stonecast – I Earther (I Wanter More Space Metal)

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Stonecast – I Earther (I Wanter More Space Metal)

  Wow, what do you know, I was ripping on power/melodic and whatever else metal a week or so ago and here we are again. Is this the end? The artwork by Stan Decker would seem to suggest so, but I do have some kind words today, at least for Stonecast, and at least a […]

Autokrator – Hammer of the Heretics (Limited Edition Cassette)

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Autokrator – Hammer of the Heretics (Limited Edition Cassette)

Ready for our next ritual? Well shut up because here it is anyway. As you know, I thoroughly enjoy music that breaks boundaries and isolates me as much as possible. Enter a favorite of mine, the band Autokrator, whose debut full-length I reviewed back in 2015 only a few months after the new site launched. […]

Heir – Au Peuple de l’Abîme (Post-Suicidal Black Metal)

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Heir – Au Peuple de l’Abîme (Post-Suicidal Black Metal)

I swear if this label ever sends me anything bad the world is going to end that particular day. Les Acteurs de L’Ombre Productions is, again, the absolute heir of all that was the kingdom of black metal in France. Since its inception in 2009, I have never failed to be amazed by the label’s output. It’s the only […]

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