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Necrobarista (Deep Life Thoughts Ghost Cafe Game)

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Necrobarista (Deep Life Thoughts Ghost Cafe Game)

  I wasn’t quite sure at first if Necrobarista was really something that would fit in around here; figured I’d have to put some spin on it to justify why I was reviewing what first appears an anime game about a coffee shop. Anime, good. Coffee shop, bad. Always bad. Didn’t you know? That could […]

Vaultwraith – Death is Proof of Satan’s Power LIMITED EDITION Cassette and T-Shirt

Vaultwraith – Death is Proof of Satan’s Power LIMITED EDITION Cassette and T-Shirt

  PREORDER TIME! Vaultwraith I reviewed some time back, and they have a new one that dropped this past year, but I was particularly interested in Death is Proof of Satan’s Power, which had yet to see cassette release. So, I’m doing a limited edition cassette version (with slightly different art and layout) that can […]

Evoke – Seeds of Death (Nasty Filthy Angry Blackened Thrash)

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Evoke – Seeds of Death (Nasty Filthy Angry Blackened Thrash)

  I feel like this is always a great way to end a week and usher in the weekend beeoches. Nasty, filthy, and angry thrash. Open the week with funeral doom, end it with this, that’s what I say. Unfortunately the promos don’t respond often enough to make that a permanent reality, so you’ll have […]

kariti – Covered Mirrors (A Dark Folk Emotional Purge through Loss)

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kariti – Covered Mirrors (A Dark Folk Emotional Purge through Loss)

  To be honest I simply reworded kariti’s own Bandcamp blurb for my subtitle of this one because her words were so poignant alone but I didn’t want to seem totally incapable of thought. But thoughts are lacking today, as a rule. I’m at a total loss for thoughts and words, or better to say […]

Illkynja – Sæti Sálarinnar (I Want to Learn Icelandic Because This Band is Cool)

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Illkynja – Sæti Sálarinnar (I Want to Learn Icelandic Because This Band is Cool)

  History in the making here, folks. I double-checked and, sure enough, there was only one other band from Iceland ever reviewed on this site, by a different writer, and it wasn’t any good so we’ll let that corpse lie in state. In fact, just burn it, for from the ashes rises Illkynja, who is […]

Cenotafio – Larvae Tedeum Teratos (Chile’s Funeral Shroud)

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Cenotafio – Larvae Tedeum Teratos (Chile’s Funeral Shroud)

  Man what’s up in the Chilean scene of black stuff? It’s so disgusting in sound the more the submissions come in the more I’m sure there’s a real movement that should probably officially unite. Anyway, Cenotafio (such a great band name) come from there, and like a number of their brethren combine the most […]

Jupiterian – Protosapien (Nobody Will Ever Love You Funeral Sludge)

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Jupiterian – Protosapien (Nobody Will Ever Love You Funeral Sludge)

  Some label heads just get it, you know? Like I don’t think I’ve ever been disappointed by a promo from Transcending Obscurity, even though I haven’t reviewed everything he’s sent me. Either way, doesn’t matter, because here and now we’re talking Jupiterian’s latest musical expression of skin sloughing off a depressed corpse, Protosapien. After […]

Succubus: Prologue (Filthy Murder and Fondle in Hell Game)

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Succubus: Prologue (Filthy Murder and Fondle in Hell Game)

  After the hate that Agony received Madmind Studio supposedly parted ways with some hack who screwed it up, then unleashed the Unrated edit, much to the joy of the lowest form of scum of the human race who indulge in vicariously experiencing and causing suffering: me and you. I personally found the extremely intricate […]

Körgull the Exterminator – Sharpen Your Spikes (Listen to it LOUD Blackened Thrash)

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Körgull the Exterminator – Sharpen Your Spikes (Listen to it LOUD Blackened Thrash)

  Wow good stuff right here. I mean here’s my old joke; review ends now. But I need to say a little more, I suppose, for this band who dared name itself after a Voivod album like no one would notice. Phew that’s some risky stuff right there! Because if you can’t bring the kind […]

Unholy Vampyric Slaughter Sect (The World Trapped in Vampyric Sway (Darker and Darker)) (Damn Dude Took My Parenthesis Joke)

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Unholy Vampyric Slaughter Sect (The World Trapped in Vampyric Sway (Darker and Darker)) (Damn Dude Took My Parenthesis Joke)

  I changed the art on this using the original piece that makes up the finished cover, which for some reason was reduced to B/W and just a total mess, but hey, that’s what happens in basement black metal, or BBM, this being the US variety, or USBBM I guess we’ll say from now on. […]