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Barbarian – Viperface (Regressive to the Core but Not a Bore Thrash Metal)

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Barbarian – Viperface (Regressive to the Core but Not a Bore Thrash Metal)

  I like the way these guys play, on two counts. One, the literally playing of the music, and two, the playing with the audience. Not so easy a task when you be playing that retro type of thrash, which can sink into its own past too often and lose the listener in bygone eras, […]

Dalibor Matanić – Zora / The Dawn (Nightmarish Trauma Symbol Film)

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Dalibor Matanić – Zora / The Dawn (Nightmarish Trauma Symbol Film)

  I’ve seen some deep films over the years, but I’m not sure I was expecting something quite like what I got out of The Dawn. Croatian film has been largely under the radar after the end of the Yugoslav “Black Wave” movement, the echoes of which continue to reverberate internationally. With the fall of […]

Julinko – no destroyer (Abject Loneliness Ghost Pop)

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Julinko – no destroyer (Abject Loneliness Ghost Pop)

  Ahhh, now I can relax! See, I get tons and tons of metal submissions, little noise (most of that sux), some punk (usually sux), some hardcore (mostly sux), and so forth (most of it truly sux). Rarely do I get anything splendid of the ambient variety, or especially pop that takes the dark style […]

Children of Technology – Written Destiny (Pay Your Child Support Thrash Punk)

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Children of Technology – Written Destiny (Pay Your Child Support Thrash Punk)

  Yeah I like Motörhead now, but it’s because of Children of Technology. I know, Lemmy had sex with eight kabillion women and that makes him a rawk star because he did it while snorting dishwasher powder and drinking Tide and then had kids he refused to acknowledge unless they soloed on stage with him […]

kariti – Covered Mirrors (A Dark Folk Emotional Purge through Loss)

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kariti – Covered Mirrors (A Dark Folk Emotional Purge through Loss)

  To be honest I simply reworded kariti’s own Bandcamp blurb for my subtitle of this one because her words were so poignant alone but I didn’t want to seem totally incapable of thought. But thoughts are lacking today, as a rule. I’m at a total loss for thoughts and words, or better to say […]

Scolopendra – Those of the Catacombs (Vocally Sophomoric Occult Death Metal)

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Scolopendra – Those of the Catacombs (Vocally Sophomoric Occult Death Metal)

  Well this is a curious state of affairs. Two of the dudes in Abhor and two random dudes from other bands appear to have a side project of sorts, or perhaps just a one-off, we don’t know yet because this is the only thing Scolopendra has done. It came out of nowhere, and it […]

Marthe – Sisters of Darkness (I Believe in Heavy Metal Again)

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Marthe – Sisters of Darkness (I Believe in Heavy Metal Again)

  Sometimes something so short and simple can be so freaking powerful. Though calling this a demo is a bit inapplicable to what is really a beyond-EP length freaking beast out of nowhere. Heavy metal, doom, and all that sort of thing are so often beaten into the ground by the templates utilized by most […]

Noctu – Gelidae Mortis Imago (Toccata in Funeral Doom)

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Noctu – Gelidae Mortis Imago (Toccata in Funeral Doom)

  There’s no tougher sell than funeral doom, let alone the type that goes this route with all of the symphonic nonsense. First you have its typica, extremely slow progression, and then if one risks tying in keyboard it’s bound to go Halloween spook in a few seconds, if even that long. But under the […]

SUUM – Cryptomass (Not Total Ass Italian Doom)

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SUUM – Cryptomass (Not Total Ass Italian Doom)

  Okay Italy, okay, there is hope, after all. In case you missed it, which I know you did, I’ve been ripping on Italian doom metal over the past couple years because pretty much any submission I’ve gotten from the country in said genre has been total ass. The primary reason is this strange tendency […]

NERATERRÆ – The Substance of Perception (Almost Pretentious Dark Ambient)

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NERATERRÆ – The Substance of Perception (Almost Pretentious Dark Ambient)

  I feel bad for how late this review is, but it’s totally not my fault. One, I typically never check for promos on the Facebook page, and two, Facebook tossed this in spam. So old why review? The fact is it’s rare I receive submissions like this that I feel like reviewing, because dark […]

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