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Dripping Decay – Festering Grotesqueries (Truly Dripping Old School Death Metal)

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Dripping Decay – Festering Grotesqueries (Truly Dripping Old School Death Metal)

  Not much else to expect from a band naming themselves Dripping Decay, than, well, exactly that! I love it when artists immerse themselves in an idea, and these guys are completely covered in stuff that drips. Their logo drips, their artwork drips, and the music, yes, it drips. Their “mascot” is even named ‘Drippy,’ […]

Djinn-Ghül – Opulence (Brutal Ethereal Death Metal)

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Djinn-Ghül – Opulence (Brutal Ethereal Death Metal)

  This is almost something I wouldn’t have reviewed based on how it was introduced in the promo. The whole brutal death metal and slamming brutal death metal (is there a fooking difference, really?) is one of the most standardized concepts in the history of anything played with a guitar (heavily). And talk about redundant. […]

Disimperium – Grand Insurgence Upon Despotic Altars (Volcanic Death Grind)

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Disimperium – Grand Insurgence Upon Despotic Altars (Volcanic Death Grind)

  Crap has it really been three years since I reviewed something from Sentient Ruin Laboratories? Not sure how that happened… Sorry bro. Actually I don’t think I dug any of the art until now, and also also I was super behind on promos some months ago and basically just deleted everything to start tabula […]

Grotesqueries – Vile Crematory (Atrocious Oozing Death Metal)

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Grotesqueries – Vile Crematory (Atrocious Oozing Death Metal)

  Now it’s time for some ooze. Some rotting carcass ooze. That stuff that leaks out of coffins after so many years and is so completely corrosive it bores a hole in the vault in which the coffin lies to finally poison everything around it. Animals in the soil, insects, your water. Just atrocious. Now […]

Lazer Station – MEGABOMB SOUND SYSTEM VOL. 1 (Post-Industrial Cybergoth)

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Lazer Station – MEGABOMB SOUND SYSTEM VOL. 1 (Post-Industrial Cybergoth)

  Yay I’m on an industrial kick this week thanks to Bandcamp tagging! After that last one I was hoping to find something more traditional, and here we go. Mixing old style with modern post-industrial, cybergoth, and other things of the electronic dark, Lazer Station was a welcome surprise in a landscape otherwise densely populated […]

Torture Rack – Primeval Onslaught (Better Than Good Enough Death Metal)

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Torture Rack – Primeval Onslaught (Better Than Good Enough Death Metal)

  These past two weeks I’ve had a bunch of “eh, good enough” death metal promos to sort through. And you know what? I don’t have time for that anymore! I don’t want “good enough,” especially not with “eh,” I want better than good enough! I want at least almost better than that! The best […]

Leathürbitch – Shattered Vanity (Leathery Sleaze Metal)

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Leathürbitch – Shattered Vanity (Leathery Sleaze Metal)

  With a name like Leathürbitch there are no secrets to be purged. No past wrongs that need to be expunged. No lies to be forgiven, no mistakes. If one is to combine the leather with anything, it’s outright sleaze and there’s no coming back from the path. There is no guilt, no shame, only […]

Desekryptor – Curse of the Execrated (Spectral Death Metal)

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Desekryptor – Curse of the Execrated (Spectral Death Metal)

  Here’s a band that needs to get its shit together and make a goddamn full-length. Around for almost a decade, and with a sound that will rot the peace out of your existence, Desekryptor have only dropped demos, a comp (which is really just a collection of demos, let’s be real), and one split, […]

Fires in the Distance – Air Not Meant for Us (Don’t Listen to This with Headphones Melodic Doom Metal)

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Fires in the Distance – Air Not Meant for Us (Don’t Listen to This with Headphones Melodic Doom Metal)

  I sat on this one awhile because it didn’t sit well with me at first, and I believe I finally know the reason. But keep reading before you get incensed from that opening line, I have more to say on the matter. Fires in the Distance are quite the mouthful in a variety of […]

Sever – At Midnight, By Torch Light (Boarish Symphonic Black Metal)

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Sever – At Midnight, By Torch Light (Boarish Symphonic Black Metal)

  A surprisingly good release this and yes I meant to spell ‘boarish’ like that. Guy’s got a band photo with big wild boars (look it up) and a lantern I’m pretty definite he got on sale at A.C. Moore before it liquidated. But, sorry, we have to let that slip go because this is […]